Are you Pondering What I’m Pondering About the 2011-2012 Season?

Wayne Rooney is getting a hair transplant. Can’t wait to see him with some plugs next year, just saying…


No more of this for Wayne Rooney
Image: Source

If Cristiano Ronaldo plays 38 league games next year, are 45 league goals out of the question? 50? I believe he can finish a season with a goal in each match. I’m actually willing to bet some money on it. You know how to contact us.

Amazing how much of a class act Ryan Giggs seems on the pitch, but what a piece of ^&*% he is off it. Not surprised the Gallagher brother sprayed him once during a gas station visit. A complete contrast is Paul Scholes. He is one of the dirtier players to play in the Premier League, despite all of his talents, but he seems like a class act off the pitch.

How low can Juventus sink? Was this year rock bottom or are Bianconeri fans in for another rough year with a mediocre squad?

Last time Barcelona won three titles in a row, the streak ended with four. They made to European Cup/Champions League Finals back then, winning only one of them. Guardiola and his bunch can become the first team to win the Champions League title two years in a row. Well, they say that about every team I guess for over 20 years now.

The Lyon reign has been over in France for three years now – Bordeaux, Marseille and this season, Lille. Are we entering another decade with a different champions each year?

How good are FC Porto? Can they keep Moutinho, Hulk, Falcao and the rest? The team was incredible, undefeated this season. Still, the Portougese league and the Europa League are a different world when compared with the Champions League.

Liverpool – How much money will be invested in getting this club back into title-contention? Is Steven Gerrard able to make a dominant come back or are they actually better without him?

Will the new restrictions by UEFA regarding transfers and club debts have any effect on club spending, especially Chelsea and Manchester City who do not create the income that bigger clubs, like United, Arsenal and Real Madrid?


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