Chicago Bears Ending Looking Tragic Without Jay Cutler

If you look up Jay Cutler right now on the internet, you’ll see two things – Jay Cutler’s press conference and the news that he won’t be returning to quarterback for the Chicago Bears this regular season, and hisĀ engagementĀ with Kristin Cavallari.

It’s funny to think that Bears fans will suddenly miss Cutler so much. They already faced the future of life without him for the rest of the season while losing to the Washington Redskins, who were doing terribly until they met the Bears, without Cutler.

Jay Cutler, the guy who got booed and criticized by so many players after leaving the field in last year’s post season game, getting called a quitter and worse. Cutler won’t be making the playoffs most likely. Neither will the Bears, without him, as funny as it sounds to some.Ā Obviously I would want to play next week if they let me, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to be in the cards. It could be Iā€™m done for the season.

The schedule left for the Bears could be tougher, but it ain’t exactly easy. Nothing is for a team without their starting quarterback – Kansas City, Denver, Seahawks, Packers and Vikings. With Cutler, I would say this is a 4-1 set up. Without, I wouldn’t be surprised if they go 1-4.

So, Caleb Hanie? Undrafted, out of Colorado State. Doesn’t sound promising. It didn’t look promising either on Sunday. Still, guys who’ve been backups for a few years can surprise you. Aaron Rodgers has developed into the best quarterback in the NFL. Tony Romo, despite the many haters, is an all-pro quarterback most of the time. Hanie just needs to leave the defense enough time to rest. That’s a start, at least.

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