Muntari “Goal” Another Example Of Why We Must Have Goal Line Technology

Sulley Muntari should have been celebrating Milan’s second goal. Actually, he was celebrating it, as he clearly saw Buffon parry the ball beyond the goal line. But play continued, and the scoreboard remained at 1-0, Milan over Juve. Later on, Matri had a goal disallowed despite being onside. The match ended in a 1-1 draw, with the never surprising amount of injustice in the game of football continues to cry out for replay assistance.

A few hours earlier, in London, England and Wales played a Six Nations rugby union match at Twickenham. With Wales ahead 19-12, England player David Strettle seemed to cross the line and score a possible game tying try with no time left on the clock. Because it was so hard to see if he did or didn’t, they actually used a REPLAY, and decided the ball didn’t cross the line. It was a borderline decision via replay as well, but the official had that to help him.

A couple of months ago Michel Platini, the strongest man in the world of football and soon to be the FIFA chief, said he doens’t see any need for intervention. Technology? Justice? Advancement? Not in our sport, says one of the greatest player ever. The injustices, the mistakes, they’re just a set up for discussions and arguments years later for what should have been, or so Platini thinks, or wants us to think.

Luckily, last night the referee and linesmen mistakes cancelled each other out. But the game suffers, and these incidents keep happening. Don’t tell me the game is better like this, with these mistakes, that can decide more than just wins – they can decide titles, and the fate of jobs and futures for managers and players, free to happen because referees are human, and many of them not that good at their jobs. The Box assistant seems to be more of a minus than a plus, and so football continues to be one of the few sports and probably the only major one refusing to change in order to improve.

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