Tyson Gay – Track & Field Is Running Out of Clean Runners

Tyson Gay – Track & Field Is Running Out of Clean Runners

Tyson Gay

People love seeing champions fall, but legally. Tyson Gay looked like the one who was going to be able to challenge Usain Bolt in the world championships, but withdrew from the competition after admitting he tested positive for an unknown banned substance.

It wasn’t too long ago when Gay pulled off a phenomenal national championships, running a 9.75 with a tail wind of 1.1 meters per second in the 100 meters race. In the 200 meters, he ran a 19.74 with a 1.6 meters per second tail wind. Legal, and the American sprinter, who has been through plenty of injuries to hinder his chances of going head to head with Bolt over the last few years, looked quite ready to shine in the world championships.

He was notified by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency late last week that a sample came back positive from a May 16 out-of-competition test. His “B” sample will be tested soon enough, but it doesn’t seem, from his reaction and comments, that there’s much of a chance that the findings will be disputed.

I don’t have a sabotage story. I don’t have any lies. I don’t have anything to say to make this seem like it was a mistake or it was on USADA’s hands, someone playing games. I don’t have any of those stories. I basically put my trust in someone and I was let down.

The irony in all of this is Gay being a part of USADA’s program called “My Victory,”, consisting of athletes pledging to be clean.

They already know it is some type of accident, or some type of — I don’t want to use certain words, to make it seem like an accident, because I know exactly what went on, but I can’t discuss it right now. My career and my name have always been better than medals or records or anything like that. I’ve always wanted a clean name with anything. Unfortunately, I have to break this news, that I have a positive ‘A’ sample.

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