Rajon Rondo Elbows a Flopping Lance Stephenson in the Face

Rajon Rondo Elbows a Flopping Lance Stephenson in the Face

Few players like to flop as much as Lance Stephenson, so not much was made of one of the dirtiest and most despicable players in the NBA, Rajon Rondo, elbowed him in the face during the game between the Boston Celtics and Charlotte Hornets.

Rondo didn’t accidentally put his elbow up in the air. It was meant to hit Stephenson straight in the face. The problem for Stephenson, is that his act has gotten old. He ran into Rondo’s elbow on purpose, flopped, so no one was reacting and then decided to bump into Rondo, just to show he doesn’t really give a f@#$.

The Hornets won 96-87, making it two in a row following a 10-game losing streak. Stephenson, who has been signaled out as the main cause for the Hornets’ fall from contender in the East to being as almost as bad as the Knicks of the 76ers, finished with 14 points, a lot of them coming with Rondo lazily trying to defend him.

Rondo had another one of those games with a triple double. For people looking at stat sheets only, it might seem he had another amazing game. But his defense was confused to non-existent and the Celtics were losing by 21 points when he was on the floor.

Once one of the best point guards in the NBA, realizing that his contribution on offense is rarely what you expect from your team’s best player, the numbers make it hard to hide his limitations any more. Being an easily hated player who backs up his reputation with actions doesn’t help either.

Rondo, Stephenson

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