24 Best Memes of the San Antonio Spurs & Kawhi Leonard Humiliating the Los Angeles Clippers

24 Best Memes of the San Antonio Spurs & Kawhi Leonard Humiliating the Los Angeles Clippers

Kawhi Leonard Meme

The San Antonio Spurs unleash Kawhi Leonard to run all over the Los Angeles Clippers and take the series lead, although more importantly, it produced a lot of meme creativity regarding this dominance.

Leonard is the defensive player of the year, but he’s turning into quite the unstoppable player on offense. More and more we’re seeing performances from him that have nothing to do with his player-stopping ability or his tendency to steal everything that’s in front of him.

The Clippers looked very good in game 1 and were some free throws short of winning game 2. But they completely embarrassed themselves with their game 3 performance, looking like a team that’s easy to break and eventually knock out of the postseason.

Now it’s up to them to bounce back and try and win back home court advantage. With Leonard playing like this and no one having an answer to it? The Clippers don’t stand much of a chance.

Pop Faces Kawhi Warning Kawhi faces Game 3 summary Kawhi-It Kawhi-Fi Stop Stop Spongebob reference Only Clippers with a ring Excuses Hide yo MVPs Losing to Old Guys Sob City At 70 Quest for six One more selfie Spurs fans meme This is just the beginning Nothing can stop the claw The Klaw Spurs 316 I'm sorry They lied to us

Images: Source

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