Tag: New York Knicks

  • New York Knicks – Carmelo Anthony Isn’t Greedy, Just Practical

    Calling Carmelo Anthony selfish and greedy for taking a max contract from the New York Knicks instead of settling for less and helping them and their cap situation doesn’t make too much sense when you consider the big picture.

  • New York Knicks – Carmelo Anthony Trusting the Rebuilding Process

    New York Knicks – Carmelo Anthony Trusting the Rebuilding Process

    Not a max contract, but still a five-year one that will keep Carmelo Anthony with the New York Knicks, which means at least one season of not being able to contend for titles, and putting a lot of faith in the new regime and its ability to make the right decisions that turn this team into one of the best in the NBA quickly.

  • New York Knicks – Carmelo Anthony Chose Money Over Championships

    New York Knicks – Carmelo Anthony Chose Money Over Championships

    Not the Chicago Bulls nor the Houston Rockets were good enough for Carmelo Anthony, who has decided to take the money option and stay with the New York Knicks for what should be a five-year contract, but it also means his hopes and expectations to win a championship as soon as possible were trumped by his ambition to get paid as much money as possible.

  • NBA Rumors – Chicago Bulls Closest to Signing Pau Gasol

    NBA Rumors – Chicago Bulls Closest to Signing Pau Gasol

    The Chicago Bulls aren’t the only team going after Pau Gasol this offseason. The San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City Thunder and New York Knicks are interested as well, but right now it looks like the Spanish big man, definitely not staying with the Los Angeles Lakers, has his sights set on the Midwest.

  • Carmelo Anthony Decision – New York Knicks & Los Angeles Lakers Waiting

    Carmelo Anthony Decision – New York Knicks & Los Angeles Lakers Waiting

    The second biggest name in this free agency is just as undecided as the first one. Carmelo Anthony seems to be waiting for things to be set into motion before he announces the name of the team he plans to sign with, as both the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Knicks seem themselves as front runners to him, while the Chicago Bulls, Dallas Mavericks and Houston Rockets are probably losing hope.

  • Los Angeles Lakers – Carmelo Anthony Closest to Them

    Los Angeles Lakers – Carmelo Anthony Closest to Them

    Despite having a squad that’s almost completely empty of talent, the Los Angeles Lakers seem to be the leaders in the race to land Carmelo Anthony, with the New York Knicks and Chicago Bulls also remaining in the picture.

  • Carmelo Anthony – Between the New York Knicks & Los Angeles Lakers?

    Carmelo Anthony – Between the New York Knicks & Los Angeles Lakers?

    The second most important player in this free agency market is Carmelo Anthony. After making the first round of meetings, he’s now finding himself between max offers given to him by the New York Knicks, hoping to retain him, and the Los Angeles Lakers, the most recent team to pitch him an offer.

  • Chicago Bulls – Carmelo Anthony Closer, But Still Not There

    The round of meetings has ended for Carmelo Anthony: Nine hours with the Chicago Bulls, six with the Houston Rockets and only two with the Dallas Mavericks. Things might be a bit clearer after this, but not enough, as the option of staying with the New York Knicks or even suddenly taking a turn towards the Los Angeles Lakers are still possible scenarios.

  • Chicago Bulls – Carmelo Anthony Getting the Royal Treatment

    Chicago Bulls – Carmelo Anthony Getting the Royal Treatment

    The big Carmelo Anthony free agency tour has began, starting off with the Chicago Bulls, who eventually did get Derrick Rose to join in on the pitch in an attempt to convince the All-Star to choose them. The New York Knicks are hoping that after Anthony meets with the Dallas Mavericks and Houston Rockets, he’ll make a decision to stay where he has been for the last three and a bit seasons.

  • Chicago Bulls – Carmelo Anthony Starting With Them; Houston Rockets & Dallas Mavericks Come Next

    Chicago Bulls – Carmelo Anthony Starting With Them; Houston Rockets & Dallas Mavericks Come Next

    Free agency begins on July 1, and Carmelo Anthony is going ahead with his plans to hear what everyone has to offer. He’ll begin by meeting with the Chicago Bulls, probably his favorite option among the three, before heading down to Texas a day later and meeting with both the Dallas Mavericks and Houston Rockets.