Tag: New York Knicks

  • NBA Rumors – Houston Rockets Will Trade Jeremy Lin & Omer Asik Only for Carmelo Anthony & LeBron James

    NBA Rumors – Houston Rockets Will Trade Jeremy Lin & Omer Asik Only for Carmelo Anthony & LeBron James

    Whatever it is that LeBron James decides to do in the next few days, it seems everyone in the NBA is trying to find an angle that gets him to land with them. The Houston Rockets have an interesting starting point and a good cap situation if they need to trade for him, and if not him, Carmelo Anthony. Omer Asik and Jeremy Lin are just waiting on the shelf as movable objects, but it seems that only James or Anthony will get the Rockets to give up the duo.

  • NBA Free Agency – LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony And Then Everybody Else

    NBA Free Agency – LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony And Then Everybody Else

    There’s a lot more to free agency than just the big names. Often, the smaller signings that don’t stand out as much turn out to be much more important. But the upcoming free agency period is going to be about whether or not LeBron James and Camrelo Anthony opt out of their deals with the Miami Heat and New York Knicks, and start one of the biggest bidding bonanzas we’ve seen in the history of the league.

  • NBA Rumors – New York Knicks Hoping Amare Stoudemire Opts Out of his Contract

    NBA Rumors – New York Knicks Hoping Amare Stoudemire Opts Out of his Contract

    There’s a good chance that at this stage of his career, Amare Stoudemire is the most overpaid player in the NBA. That makes the New York Knicks wish he takes the chance of opting out of his deal, but if there’s even a shred of realism to their hopes this offseason, they know he’s staying and taking the money.

  • NBA Rumors – Chicago Bulls Dreaming of Adding LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony or Kevin Love

    NBA Rumors – Chicago Bulls Dreaming of Adding LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony or Kevin Love

    The Chicago Bulls are thinking big. They want one of the top free agents or unsettled players to sign with them, and they want it now. Carmelo Anthony, who will or won’t opt out of his deal with the New York Knicks, is obviously their number one choice, but the Bulls will try to initiate a trade for Kevin Love while hoping with the corner of their eye that LeBron James somehow becomes available.

  • NBA Rumors: Dallas Mavericks Feel Dirk Nowitzki & Carmelo Anthony Can Co-Exist

    NBA Rumors: Dallas Mavericks Feel Dirk Nowitzki & Carmelo Anthony Can Co-Exist

    The 2013-2014 NBA season is officially over, so it’s time for the rumor mill to hit high gear. No one is mentioned as often in connection with potential offseason moves as much as Carmelo Anthony. The Dallas Mavericks believe they have a good shot at landing him, and are using Dirk Nowitzki to do the pitching for them.

  • NBA Rumors – New York Knicks Know Carmelo Anthony is Hitting Free Agency

    NBA Rumors – New York Knicks Know Carmelo Anthony is Hitting Free Agency

    Despite the pitching and pleading, the New York Knicks know what everyone has for a long time – Carmelo Anthony is going to opt out of his contract and test free agency. He might remain eventually with his current team, but there’s also a strong chance he’ll try to make his way to a team with a much better shot at winning a title right now, as the Chicago Bulls, Houston Rockets, Dallas Mavericks and even the Miami Heat are hoping to be the focus of his decision.

  • NBA Rumors – Chicago Bulls, Houston Rockets & Dallas Mavericks All Options for Carmelo Anthony

    NBA Rumors – Chicago Bulls, Houston Rockets & Dallas Mavericks All Options for Carmelo Anthony

    Among potential free agents in this NBA off-season, Carmelo Anthony is the biggest name. There aren’t too many reasons for him to stay with the New York Knicks if becoming a champion as soon as possible is his main ambition, while playing for the Chicago Bulls, Houston Rockets or Dallas Mavericks seems to offer a much better opportunity.

  • NBA Rumors – Miami Heat Thinking About Trying to Sign Carmelo Anthony

    NBA Rumors – Miami Heat Thinking About Trying to Sign Carmelo Anthony

    There are more important things for the Miami Heat right now than to think about free agency and signing new players, but it seems there’s a genuine interest among players and management of the defending NBA champions to try and bring over Carmelo Anthony from the New York Knicks if he opts out of his current contract.

  • NBA Rumors – New York Knicks Tricking Carmelo Anthony Into Staying

    NBA Rumors – New York Knicks Tricking Carmelo Anthony Into Staying

    Hiring a new head coach, a new general manager or puppet master – all this so the New York Knicks don’t enter one of the more depressing seasons in their recent history, and mostly so Carmelo Anthony will think that staying on for at least one more season of decay and not being close to chasing a title ring is the right choice for him. Who knows – maybe they’ll actually convince him things will be better.

  • New York Knicks – Derek Fisher is Their Next Head Coach

    New York Knicks – Derek Fisher is Their Next Head Coach

    It seems the search for a head coach is over as far as the New York Knicks are concerned, making Derek Fisher their new man in charge which also effectively ends his playing career after playing in the NBA for 18 seasons.