Tag: MLB News

  • Dan Uggla, the Streak, and His Place in History

    Dan Uggla, probably the worst hitter in the Majors during the first three months of the season. Since July 5? A 29 game hitting streak.

  • Baseball Games Shouldn’t Be This Long (Yankees vs Red Sox)

    Yeah, so the Boston Red Sox got a one game lead in the AL East. Rookie Josh Reddick got the game ending single, driving home David Ortiz. Mariano Rivera blew the save, which was probably the most amazing thing about this game, leaving Phil Hughes to complete the self destruct mode and complete the Boston comeback. At that point, four hours and 15 minutes since I started watching the game, I really didn’t care anymore.

  • Alex Rodriguez Makes Himself Look Worse Than Ever

    Alex Rodriguez just can’t stay away from bad news, from bad press, from doing stupid stuff. Forget about the steroids, we’re on to Hollywood celebrity gambling, poker. For all we know half the players who have hit at least 30 home runs in a single season during the last 25 years have done it illegally. When so many players do it, when so many players get caught, as long as they don’t lie to the Federal Government, they can continue with their careers and life comfortably. Their records stay intact, they keep getting big cash, they just stay out of the hall of fame.

  • On Carlos Beltran’s Debut With the Giants

    Carlos Beltran made his San Francisco Giant debut against the Philadelphia Phillies, not really helping his new team to a 4-1 win.