Tag: jose mourinho

  • Jose Mourinho vs Real Madrid – Not Bigger Than the Club

    Jose Mourinho vs Real Madrid – Not Bigger Than the Club

    No one should be bigger than their own working place. Jose Mourinho has one of best footballing minds in the world, but also one of the biggest egos. The combination of the two has led him to great success, but to quite a rocky time at Real Madrid, reaching some sort of peak, or low, depends how you look at it, with the benching of Iker Casillas.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Forgotten in all the Drama

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Forgotten in all the Drama

    While all the talk after another Real Madrid drop of points is about the manager who thinks he’s bigger than the team and the goalkeeper who won’t take this benching quietly Cristiano Ronaldo, the most interesting man to look at no matter the room he steps into, was forgotten and ignored as the season took another turn for the worse.

  • Casillas vs Mourinho – Only Real Madrid Lose

    Casillas vs Mourinho – Only Real Madrid Lose

    No one is bigger than the club. Jose Mourinho often thinks he is, but that’s usually when things start to go South. Iker Casillas, with all of his achievements, is not an untouchable, perfect goalkeeper. It’s OK to bench him. However, with everything reeking from some stupid ego war, Real Madrid are the big losers from this. Mourinho is next in line, while Iker Casillas’ position just grows stronger.

  • Manchester United – Sucking up to Cristiano Ronaldo

    Manchester United – Sucking up to Cristiano Ronaldo

    Seeing the Champions League draw between Real Madrid and Manchester United was bound to bring back some memories for Cristiano Ronaldo, facing his former club for the first time since departing but I don’t think anyone expected the love-fest going on between the sides, especially from Alex Ferguson.

  • Real Madrid – Iker Casillas Thinking About an MLS Future

    Real Madrid – Iker Casillas Thinking About an MLS Future

    After 14 seasons in the spotlight of being the first team keeper for Real Madrid, Iker Casillas might be looking for a bit of peace and quiet in the near future. Already a living legend for Real fans, Spain and for most football fans around the world, taking it easy in the final years of his career, like playing in the MLS, sounds very appealing to the captain for both club & country.

  • Real Madrid – Where Will Jose Mourinho Go

    Real Madrid – Where Will Jose Mourinho Go

    If you read Spanish newspapers, it seems that the departure of Jose Mourinho from his position as the head coach of Real Madrid is a done deal, whether or not he finishes this season with a Champions League trophy (La Décima, the 10th) or not. The question isn’t just where does he go, but who comes instead of him?

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Can’t Score, Mesut Ozil Can

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Can’t Score, Mesut Ozil Can

    For most of the La Liga, even when Cristiano Ronaldo is off his game, Real Madrid have plenty of firepower to come through. Lack of focus on away matches has cost them too many points so far this season, but after some early season drama, it seems that Mesut Ozil is becoming even better than ever before.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Should be Having Fun

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Should be Having Fun

    In a match like this, with Real Madrid not moving up or down no matter the result, it’s a chance for players to either prove they’re worth a starting spot, like Luka Modric and Kaka, or to simply have some fun and improve their scoring record, like Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema.

  • Jose Mourinho – Life After Real Madrid

    Jose Mourinho – Life After Real Madrid

    Unless something completely unexpected happens, Jose Mourinho will complete this season with Real Madrid and carry on to being a fourth season with the same team. Penned down till 2016, Mourinho might actually stay with a team for longer than three years for the first time in his career.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo & Perfect Defending

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo & Perfect Defending

    The league table doesn’t mean a thing when it comes to the Madrid derby. Real Madrid are a much better team than their city rivals, showing that with a perfectly executed game plan that denied any kind of effort at Iker Casillas, while Cristiano Ronaldo didn’t need too many touches to put the game beyond reach.