Tag: NBA Playoffs

  • NBA Finals – Spurs vs Heat Game 4 Predictions

    NBA Finals – Spurs vs Heat Game 4 Predictions

    Momentum swings and shifts in this finals series with every game. Now? The San Antonio Spurs have it, heading into game 4 feeling that their shooting and offensive ability can win the NBA championship for them this time, while the Miami Heat are licking their wounds and trying to come up with ways that get their players off the bad road they went on in the previous game.

  • NBA Playoffs – Kawhi Leonard & Danny Green Reach Superstar Level

    NBA Playoffs – Kawhi Leonard & Danny Green Reach Superstar Level

    Both Danny Green and Kawhi Leonard aren’t All-Star players. Leonard should be, maybe even next season, but sometimes in the near future. Green? Unlikely, but for one night, the two of them combined for a devastating performance that led the San Antonio Spurs to an impressive win over the Miami Heat, taking the lead in the NBA Finals once again.

  • NBA Playoffs – LeBron James & Dwyane Wade Hit Rock Bottom

    NBA Playoffs – LeBron James & Dwyane Wade Hit Rock Bottom

    Unlike the first two games of the NBA Finals, the duo of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade actually seemed to hurt the Miami Heat during the moments that mattered with lazy defense and even lazier thinking on offense. Unlike the first loss this wasn’t a stroke of bad luck or cramping. This was a duo of great players being unable to make the right decisions while the Miami Heat were being swept aside by the San Antonio Spurs.

  • NBA Playoffs – San Antonio Spurs Almost Perfect, Miami Heat Surprisingly Bad

    NBA Playoffs – San Antonio Spurs Almost Perfect, Miami Heat Surprisingly Bad

    Momentum swings and shifts in the NBA finals as the San Antonio Spurs, backed by a close to perfect shooting performance and led by Danny Green and Kawhi Leonard take a 2-1 lead over the Miami Heat with a 111-92 win, probably surprised by how bad LeBron James and Dwayne Wade were during in game 3.

  • NBA Playoffs – Dwyane Wade & Manu Ginobili Won’t Stop Flopping

    NBA Playoffs – Dwyane Wade & Manu Ginobili Won’t Stop Flopping

    There isn’t an official marker on when flopping began in the NBA, but people started noticing it a lot more when Manu Ginobili arrived in the league. So it’s not surprising to see him getting called out for this blatant cheating, although only Dwayne Wade, another master flopper, was the only one fined for doing so in game 2 of the NBA Finals between the San Antonio Spurs and the Miami Heat.

  • NBA Finals – Spurs vs Heat Game 3 Predictions

    NBA Finals – Spurs vs Heat Game 3 Predictions

    The 2014 NBA Finals head into game 3 as the Miami Heat, winners of the most recent encounter, begin their hosting duties with momentum on their side, hoping for another fantastic performance from LeBron James, while the San Antonio Spurs try to somehow get control of this series again.

  • Miami Heat – LeBron James Teaching Everyone a Lesson

    Miami Heat – LeBron James Teaching Everyone a Lesson

    Making fun of LeBron James is a popular hobby for some, but it doesn’t make a difference. LeBron James didn’t let anything that happened in the first game have any effect on him going into a must win game for the Miami Heat, as he proved once more why he is widely considered to be the best player on the planet.

  • NBA Playoffs – Miami Heat Stay Cool, San Antonio Spurs Slow Down

    NBA Playoffs – Miami Heat Stay Cool, San Antonio Spurs Slow Down

    The first game was about LeBron James missing when his team needed him the most, and game 2 of the 2014 NBA Finals had the same man take center stage, but this time in a completely different light, as he led the Miami Heat to a 98-96 win over the San Antonio Spurs to make it 1-1 in the series.

  • NBA Finals – Heat vs Spurs Game 2 Predictions

    NBA Finals – Heat vs Spurs Game 2 Predictions

    After all the jokes and moments that made fun of LeBron James, it’s time for actual basketball and game 2 of the 2014 NBA Finals, as the San Antonio Spurs carry a 1-0 lead, hoping that the second encounter looks a lot more like the fourth quarter in the first game instead of what things were like before the Miami Heat lost their best player.

  • San Antonio Spurs – The Road to Redemption

    San Antonio Spurs – The Road to Redemption

    Only Tim Duncan, Boris Diaw and Manu Ginobili played well for the San Antonio Spurs until everything changed in the final minutes of the fourth quarter in game 1. The rest of the team – from Danny Green to Tony Parker and Kawhi Leonard, were one big disappointment, finding it very difficult to make their game plan work against an excellent defense. Sometimes lady luck shines on those who deserve it.