Tag: Kevin McHale

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Set Up to Fail While Terrence Jones Explodes

    For those who read just the box scores without watching games, this was another bad game from Jeremy Lin, while mostly Terrence Jones and a bit more of Dwight Howard and James Harden led the Houston Rockets to a 114-104 win over the Milwaukee Bucks. The truth is a bit more complicated.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Ignored as James Harden Orchestrates Epic Collapse

    A perfect display of how dysfunctional this Houston Rockets team can be; 73 points in one half, 19 points in the second. The Oklahoma City Thunder come away with the 104-92 win that was mostly about 3-point shooting and timing, as Jeremy Lin gets left out when his team needed some intelligence on the court, and James Harden tried to save the day but to no avail.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Makes Everyone Better When He Isn’t Misused

    With Jeremy Lin getting a chance to play more minutes than usual as an actual point guard, it’s no wonder the Houston Rockets and especially Dwight Howard looked so good offensively in their comfortable 104-92 win over the Boston Celtics while James Harden, trying to go against the team-basketball current, put in a bad performance, struggling with a good perimeter defender once again.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Gets to Make Team Better Before James Harden Has Enough

    In one of the weirder games we’ve seen this season due to rain delays (inside a basketball arena!) and huge lead swings, the Houston Rockets beat the Washington Wizards. For Jeremy Lin, there were three quarters in which he was allowed to play like an actual point guard, which clearly made the team better. The ending was a bit more of a return to normal, with James Harden taking the reigns and ignoring everyone else, this time making it work.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin & Offense Suffering From James Harden Syndrome

    The signs keep showing everywhere, but the Houston Rockets and their shot callers ignore them. James Harden gets to run almost every possible possession, ignoring the fact that he has Jeremy Lin next to him and others who can make plays, resulting in another unnecessary loss, 80-83 to the Atlanta Hawks.

  • The Best of the James Harden Memes

    [imagebrowser ID=90] How can one of the leading scorers in the NBA be actually harmful to his own team? James Harden is a unique case, but after many have been noticing the weird project the Houston Rockets are running, surrounding Harden with talent that includes Jeremy Lin and Dwight Howard and Kevin McHale preferring to […]

  • Houston Rockets – James Harden Thriving While Jeremy Lin & Dwight Howard Suffer

    Houston Rockets – James Harden Thriving While Jeremy Lin & Dwight Howard Suffer

    One of the worst things NBA franchises can do is put the welfare and success of one player, lets call him James Harden, over the success of the entire team that shall be named the Houston Rockets, as players like Jeremy Lin and Dwight Howard represent the direction that should be taken.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Still Waiting for James Harden to Change

    In what was another clear demonstration of what Kevin McHale thinks is the ‘right kind of basketball’ he left Jeremy Lin on the bench for the entire fourth quarter, letting James Harden run wild without anyone interrupting or “threatening” his dominance. It was just about enough for a 102-100 win over the New York Knicks, but isn’t going to be the way this team wins or anything or takes another step forward.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Watches James Harden & Kevin McHale Losing a Game

    Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin Watches James Harden & Kevin McHale Losing a Game

    There’s really no reason the Houston Rockets should be losing at home to the Sacramento Kings. However, when Jeremy Lin gets ignored in the fourth quarter by the tandem of James Harden and Kevin McHale, deciding to win the game with the selfish style of hero ball, there’s no wonder the end result is 110-106 for the visitors, while Dwight Howard tries to understand when will someone start helping him on defense.

  • Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin & James Harden Were Running on Empty

    Houston Rockets – Jeremy Lin & James Harden Were Running on Empty

    Unlike other losses this season, the 117-86 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder wan’t about James Harden hogging the ball, Jeremy Lin not being involved enough or the Houston Rockets being an awful defensive team and often not a smart one on offense, courtesy of their quite conservative head coach, Kevin McHale. Well, maybe it does have something to do with defense, but more than anything it comes down to one thing: Fatigue.