Tag: Arsene Wenger

  • Arsenal FC – Jack Wilshere Continues to Prove He’s Overrated

    Arsenal FC – Jack Wilshere Continues to Prove He’s Overrated

    Everywhere you looked at on the Emirates pitch after a not-so-surprising home loss for Arsenal, you saw a tragic figure. Jack Wilshere, once again failing to deliver amid huge expectations. Laurent Koscielny, deleting all the praises with reckless challenges once again. And Arsene Wenger, who is running out of excuses to sell the media and the public.

  • On Manchester United, Arsene Wenger & Simon Mignolet on Opening Day

    On Manchester United, Arsene Wenger & Simon Mignolet on Opening Day

    For anyone who was “worried” about Manchester United not living up to former standards due to the arrival of David Moyes, they probably forgot about Robin van Persie. Arsene Wenger had the opening match everyone expected Arsenal to have, while Simon Mignolet saved Liverpool from another first-match tragedy, showing how big of a difference the Reds made when they decided to change goalkeepers.

  • Arsenal & Arsene Wenger Shouldn’t Use the Referee as an Excuse

    Arsenal & Arsene Wenger Shouldn’t Use the Referee as an Excuse

    Maybe Anthony Taylor is a terrible referee. He certainly made one huge mistake that gave Aston Villa a penalty and Laurent Koscielny a red card later on. And yet Arsenal and Arsene Wenger have only themselves to blame. For playing in the usual soft, predictable way, and for not bringing in the necessary additions their limited and unbalanced squad needs.

  • Arsenal FC – Mikel Arteta as Another Symbol of Mediocrity

    Arsenal FC – Mikel Arteta as Another Symbol of Mediocrity

    How many OK midfielders do Arsenal need? A lot, apparently. Mikel Arteta is another one in a long list of not-too-special central midfielders Arsenal have on their roster. The biggest problem? He’s also their most important player at times.

  • Arsenal FC – Olivier Giroud Continues to Cofuse

    Arsenal FC – Olivier Giroud Continues to Cofuse

    It’s hard putting a finger on what is keeping Olivier Giroud from being a world class striker, but there’s something missing. Even these acrobatic goals and impressive performances in the penalty box from time to time aren’t going to convince anyone he’s the answer to all of the problems Arsenal have been trying to fix over the years.

  • Arsenal FC – Arsene Wenger & His Principles Can’t Win Championships

    Arsenal FC – Arsene Wenger & His Principles Can’t Win Championships

    The biggest question Arsenal fans are asking themselves this offseason – Why isn’t Arsene Wenger spending all of that £70 million (or at least some of it) in order to improve the team and put it once again at or near the top of the Premier League, while making it more competitive for the Champions League?

  • Arsenal FC – Jack Wilshere Needs to Prove He’s Not Overrated

    Arsenal FC – Jack Wilshere Needs to Prove He’s Not Overrated

    There are still those who are sure that Jack Wilshere is the savior of Arsenal & English football, but with every season and comeback attempt from injury that goes by, it’s getting clearer and clearer that the words ‘Don’t Believe the Hype’ might be fitting the central midfielder quite well.

  • Jose Mourinho Will Eventually Feud With David Moyes, Arsene Wenger & Manuel Pellegrini

    Jose Mourinho Will Eventually Feud With David Moyes, Arsene Wenger & Manuel Pellegrini

    Don’t buy into all this respect and “love” from Jose Mourinho to the rest of his counterparts from the Premier League. He’s been away for quite a while so it’s natural that all of his past feuds are forgotten, but as the season begins and progresses, the Chelsea manager will obviously find a way to sour his relationships with any manager that stands in his club’s way or simply fits into the mold of motivating his team.

  • Arsenal FC – Arsene Wenger Can’t Afford to Give Up on Luis Suarez

    Arsenal FC – Arsene Wenger Can’t Afford to Give Up on Luis Suarez

    One of the longest-running transger sagas of the summer is still not over. Luis Suarez doesn’t seem to be very happy with still wearing the Liverpool red, while Arsenal and Arsene Wenger haven’t given up on signing the Uruguayan, planning on launching a third bid for the player, hoping it doesn’t get rejected.

  • Arsenal FC – Luis Suarez & Gonzalo Higuain Don’t Seem to be Coming

    Arsenal FC – Luis Suarez & Gonzalo Higuain Don’t Seem to be Coming

    This was supposed to be the summer of Arsenal showing their Premier League rivals that they can spend just as much as the rest of them, but so far it’s either been leading to false trails of hope, like in the case of Gonzalo Higuain, or rejection after rejection in the case of Luis Suarez.