Tag: 2012 NBA Finals

  • LeBron James – What He Should Say to All the Haters

    What would you say to everyone who poured tons of hate on you for two years after achieving what you came for? LeBron James, finally an NBA champion, and suddenly he’s not the most hated athlete in America anymore. Maybe he never really was, and everyone were simply brainwashed by a media that felt right to last out at him for the wrong reasons?

  • 2012 NBA Finals, Game 5 – When Russell Westbrook Fell Apart and LeBron James Officially Became a Legend

    LeBron James tied for his lowest scoring game of the 2012 NBA Finals series, it might have been his best, closing out the series with a triple doube. Like a Boss, some would say, if these was a Lonely Island video. There was no argument that Russell Westbrook had his worst game of the series, and subsequently his team.

  • Best Photos of the Miami Heat Winning the 2012 NBA Finals

    The Miami Heat have been waiting for this moment for six years; LeBron James has been waiting for it 27 years, including the nine he spent in the league, with these past two, since joining the Miami Heat, being extremely difficult. Making the transformation from the chosen one, to the best player in the NBA, to the most hated player in the NBA, to finally being a champion, cementing the beginning of his legacy as one of the greatest NBA Players in history.

  • LeBron James, Finally an NBA Champion

    The final piece fell into its place. LeBron James has been to two NBA Finals before, and lost. He has regular season MVP awards, three of them. An Olympic Gold Medal. The NBA title was all that he’s been missing. It was much easier than expected in the final game, the close out game that was supposed to have had the Miami Heat spitting blood.

  • 2012 NBA Finals – Game 5 Predictions

    Despite being 1-3 down, something no team has ever come back from in the 2-3-2 era, the Oklahoma City Thunder know it’s still open. They’ve lost the three games by a total of 16 points, meaning a play here and a stop there would mean at least one more win. The problem is figuring out LeBron James and the team the Miami Heat have suddenly become.

  • Thunder Losing to the Heat in Adjustments Battle

    It seems like the Oklahoma City Thunder are just regressing with every passing game. Scott Brooks finds it harder and harder to explain why his team threw another game. The Miami Heat keep on moving forward with the same game plan, with more and more guys stepping up each time. Erik Spoelstra, definitely on the hot seat in these playoffs, is a big part of why LeBron James is one win away from his first NBA Title.

  • 2012 NBA Finals, Game 4 – LeBron James Overcomes, Russell Westbrook Not Enough

    Russell Westbrook had the shooting night of his life, finishing with 43 points and producing numbers rarely seen in NBA Finals series over the last 25 years. But it wasn’t enough. What the Oklahoma City Thunder brought to the table wasn’t enough. The Miami Heat showed more than just a hobbling LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. As the playoffs progress, this turns out to be much more than just a 2.5 superstars team.

  • Why Did People Hate LeBron James?

    Public opinion is a fickle thing. One day, LeBron James is the Prince that was Promised and everybody wants to see him win his first NBA title. The next day, after choosing to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat, he becomes the most hated athlete in the NBA, making Kobe Bryant look lovable.

  • 2012 NBA Finals – Game 4 Predictions

    The situation? Oddly familiar. The Miami Heat went into Game 4 last year with a 2-1 lead as well. The Oklahoma City Thunder lost two straight games in the Western Conference Finals before making a sweeping comeback. But LeBron James is a different player than he was a year ago, the Miami Heat a different team.

  • 2012 NBA Finals – LeBron James Suddenly Loves Fourth Quarters

    In a far from perfect and flawless game from both teams, the Miami Heat committed less mistakes with the game on the line. Kevin Durant couldn’t get another monster fourth quarter going, while LeBron James seems to have applied every lesson he learnt last season in the NBA Finals, taking it out on the disappointing Oklahoma City Thunder.