Tag: Attendance Numbers

  • Boston Red Sox Fans Aren’t That Faithful When The Team Isn’t Good

    Boston Red Sox Fans Aren’t That Faithful When The Team Isn’t Good

    The Boston Red Sox and their fans are usually quite proud of their ballpark, Fenway Park, and of the strong national following they have, helping the team achieve a sellout streak of 820 games. But after three consecutive seasons of not making the playoffs and despite the promising start to 2013, the streak is over.

  • Miami Marlins – Worst Season in Over a Decade

    New ballpark, Marlins Park, didn’t help. Signing free agents worth more than $200 million didn’t help. Bringing in Ozzie Guillen to be the manager certainly did no good. Nothing seemed to work for the ambitious project that was supposed to make the Miami Marlins into a force to be reckoned with.

  • Borussia Dortmund – Most Season Tickets to the 2012-2013 Bundesliga

    There’s a reason why Dortmund see themselves as more than just a passing trend before Bayern Munich get back to business. There’s a reason they won’t be a feeder club to Europe’s giants, holding on to almost all their best players. Not just the two titles and the return to the Champions League. It’s mostly about known the kind of support they have, maybe unlike anywhere else in Europe.