Tag: Bar Refaeli

  • Bar Refaeli Playing Tennis in Her Underwear

    Bar Refaeli Playing Tennis in Her Underwear

    Bar Refaeli made such an impression posing with Rafael Nadal and Chris Paul for the 2012 SI swimsuit edition, the people at Under.me decided that putting her in underwear and photographing her while playing tennis will be a good idea. Turns out, they were right.

  • Bar Refaeli’s Hottest Photos

    Bar Refaeli isn’t too closely connected to sports. Yeah, she’s been on the cover of Sports Illustrated and she dated Leonardo Di Caprio for a while (he’s a big Lakers fan). She also might have been involved with Kelly Slater a few years ago, so she has a potential WAG, or ex-WAG credential. She looks great in a bathing suit, that’s all we care about, so on another hot summer day, as July becomes August, watching her with minimal clothing is a chilly and refreshing escape from the heat.