Tag: Conspiracy

  • Los Angeles Lakers – Getting Help From the NBA to Make the Playoffs

    Los Angeles Lakers – Getting Help From the NBA to Make the Playoffs

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The Los Angeles Lakers have been getting a lot of help from officials, or at least is seems that way, to make up for lost ground in the NBA playoff race, currently leaving the Utah Jazz behind for the 8th and final ticket. If the first conspiracy theory wasn’t enough, the proof, numbers and videos from wins keep on coming.

  • Los Angeles Lakers – The 2013 NBA Playoffs Conspiracy

    Los Angeles Lakers – The 2013 NBA Playoffs Conspiracy

    No one really believes and trusts the NBA officials, or the league itself, with David Stern sitting on top of the mountain. When you see the kind of calls the Los Angeles Lakers have been getting or getting away with in recent games as they attempt to make the final spot into the NBA playoffs, you can’t help to think that there’s some foul play involved, or at least wouldn’t be surprised to hear about something along those lines going on.