Tag: Domestic Violence

  • Roger Goodell Doesn’t Deserve to ‘Get it Right’

    Roger Goodell Doesn’t Deserve to ‘Get it Right’

    As expected, Roger Goodell didn’t step down. His press conference in regards to the complete and utter ineptitude of the NFL under his leadership over the last few weeks and way before that was about sidestepping questions, delivering his own message and solidifying his power as the dictator of the league, while promising to get it right.

  • NFL is Being Overwhelmed With Domestic Violence Epidemic

    NFL is Being Overwhelmed With Domestic Violence Epidemic

    The commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, has gone underground, waiting for the storm to blow over. Meanwhile, Adrian Peterson has managed to push Ray Rice out of the news, Jonathan Dwyer gets himself arrested and immediately suspended by the Arizona Cardinals, the Carolina Panthers still don’t know what to do with Greg Hardy and Ray McDonald is getting the full support of the San Francisco 49ers.

  • The NFL Wants Wife Beating Players, Not Drug Users

    The NFL Wants Wife Beating Players, Not Drug Users

    The NFL and its judicial system (whatever Roger Goodell decides) isn’t the hall of justice that determines what’s right and wrong in this world. However, being the number one sport in the United States, it is setting a very dangerous trend with its rough punishment against drug users compared to the lenient approach they used when Ray Rice beat up his fiancee.