Tag: Florentino Perez

  • Real Madrid – A Galactic, Expensive Failure

    Real Madrid – A Galactic, Expensive Failure

    Galacticos 1, Galácticos 2. The vanity projects by Florentino Perez might make Real Madrid the best jersey-selling football club on the planet, but the titles, despite the incredible turnover in stars and players, aren’t really easy to come by.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Needs to Shut Up

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Needs to Shut Up

    A smart person like Cristiano Ronaldo should know that anything he says becomes a headline, for better or worse. So criticizing the transfer policy of Real Madrid, even without clearly mentioning the names, doesn’t seem like something that’s going to help anyone going forward.

  • Real Madrid Can’t Stop Trashing Mesut Ozil For Leaving Them

    Real Madrid Can’t Stop Trashing Mesut Ozil For Leaving Them

    The way Real Madrid see the world means that anyone that doesn’t want to join them or stay on the team has to be insane. So Mesut Ozil pushed for an exit from Arsenal; and Real Madrid really needed the money to help balance the bank accounts from the Gareth Bale acquisition and other “minor” signings they made. So why is it so necessary for the club to trash him at every opportunity?

  • Barcelona Using Gareth Bale to Attack Real Madrid

    Barcelona Using Gareth Bale to Attack Real Madrid

    At FC Barcelona, there’s a constant attempt to not only distinguish themselves from Real Madrid in terms of approach and long-term planning, but also from the rest of the footballing world. The Gareth Bale acquisition is the perfect opportunity to take a shot at the spending and business handling of their greatest rivals.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Isn’t Happy Gareth Bale is More Expensive Than Him?

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Isn’t Happy Gareth Bale is More Expensive Than Him?

    Some rumors just write themselves even before they come out. While we’ve heard nothing but praise from Gareth Bale about his new Real Madrid teammate, Cristiano Ronaldo, those wishing the club and the player “well” in Spain have already surfaced some rumors about Ronaldo not being happy that he’s no longer the most expensive footballer on the planet.

  • Cristiano Ronaldo Closer to Real Madrid Than Anything Else

    Cristiano Ronaldo Closer to Real Madrid Than Anything Else

    No Manchester United or Paris Saint-Germain. Cristiano Ronaldo is busy with Portugal at the moment, but a close second comes the contract extension with Real Madrid, the team that after everything said and written, will probably remain his team for more than the next couple of years.

  • The Scandals Jose Mourinho Leaves Behind at Real Madrid

    The Scandals Jose Mourinho Leaves Behind at Real Madrid

    The most dysfunctional partnership in the 2012-2013 season was that between Jose Mourinho and Real Madrid, but after weeks and months of trying to get himself sacked, it worked. The former special one is now free to find himself a new club, while Florentino Perez will try and win himself an election while assessing the damage done to the team during a failure of a season and where to go from here.

  • Real Madrid & Jose Mourinho Playing a Dangerous Game

    Real Madrid & Jose Mourinho Playing a Dangerous Game

    It’s all about money, ego and respect. The losers? Both Real Madrid and Jose Mourinho, who won’t budge from their stances despite not really wanting to be a part of each other anymore. Unless certain key players, like Cristiano Ronaldo being the prime example, actually present the board with some sort of ultimatum, this might be going on for much longer than anyone expected.

  • Real Madrid – Jose Mourinho Might Stay Only Because of Money

    Real Madrid – Jose Mourinho Might Stay Only Because of Money

    Above pride, arrogance and vanity, it seems almost everyone involved in football appreciated money more than anything else. With that in mind, while Jose Mourinho is trying to worm his way out of Real Madrid by burning every possible bridge, his contract and the financial implications of breaching it might lead to him staying where he isn’t wanted, and he isn’t too keen on staying.

  • Jose Mourinho Suggests Real Madrid Exit to Chelsea

    Jose Mourinho Suggests Real Madrid Exit to Chelsea

    If there is something Jose Mourinho loves to do, it is sending out vague messages regarding his future at Real Madrid, making alleged hints at a possible return to a club he’s already managed for in the past. With Porto out of the question and Inter looking like a very unlikely possibility, that only leaves us with Chelsea, who should be looking for a new (or possibly old) manager by the time this season ends.