Tag: John Starks

  • Worst NBA 3-Point Shooting Performances of All-Time

    Worst NBA 3-Point Shooting Performances of All-Time

    Being the best three-point shooter (probably) to ever walk the NBA courts didn’t stop Stephen Curry from putting on an all-time awful performance from beyond the arc, joining Trey Burke, John Starks and Antoine Walker, tying the worst ever 3-point shooting performance in the NBA since 1983.

  • Reggie Miller – More Than Just Scoring and Three Pointers

    Back in the 1990’s, I’m not so sure what we saw in the Heat – Pacers game would have been called as flagrant fouls. Series like the Knicks – Pacers had more bad blood and ugly hits in them in one quarter than 7 games in today’s series. This immediately had me thinking about Reggie Miller.