Tag: Penn State

  • College Basketball – The Big Ten Circle of Parity

    College Basketball – The Big Ten Circle of Parity

    The only thing missing in the big parity circle of the Big Ten basketball season was for Penn State to beat someone. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for Michigan, that win eventually came, meaning the every team in the best conference in College basketball has lost to someone in it this season.

  • Joe Paterno – Now Remembered for His Worst at Penn State

    People are judged in life according to their worst actions. Usually, after they pass away, they’re remembered for their best, unless their worst is something worth a few years in jail. For whatever good Joe Paterno did in his life and especially his work with Penn State, it’ll be forever tainted by knowing and saying nothing about the heinous crimes committed by Jerry Sandusky against children.

  • College Football Scandals in 2011

    Joe Paterno fired due to Jerry Sandusky’s crimes at Penn State, Jim Tressel at Ohio State, Nevin Shapiro and Miami players, John Junker and his Fiesta with Fiesta Bowl money. 2011 is a year full of scandals in College Football, and we haven’t even gotten to the BCS Rankings annual controversies.