Tag: Sex Scandal

  • What the Judge Asked Karim Benzema in the Interview About the Blackmailing of Mathieu Valbuena

    What the Judge Asked Karim Benzema in the Interview About the Blackmailing of Mathieu Valbuena

    The Mathieu Valbuena sex tape blackmail scandal and the involvement of Karim Benzema (and maybe even Samir Nasri) has been one of the most bizarre football related stories in recent years, and French media outlet Le Monde published the interview between Nathalie Boutard, the judge, and Benzema.

  • Joe Paterno – Now Remembered for His Worst at Penn State

    People are judged in life according to their worst actions. Usually, after they pass away, they’re remembered for their best, unless their worst is something worth a few years in jail. For whatever good Joe Paterno did in his life and especially his work with Penn State, it’ll be forever tainted by knowing and saying nothing about the heinous crimes committed by Jerry Sandusky against children.

  • The End of the Joe Paterno Era

    Penn State and Joe Paterno, no more. The Jerry Sandusky scandal made waves and they hit the shore fast. After being the head coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions Football program since 1966, 45 years, at 84, Joe Pa steps down amid terrible controversy, allegations, and an unknown legal future.