5 Random Links to Kick Start Your Week 1.0

Another Monday, another week kicking off. Here’s what we got for you –

Golf in Pictures – This one is kind of old I think, somewhere around May 2009, before Tiger Woods imploded, explaining why Golf is better than the rest of the other sports. Kind of makes a case for Tennis as well, at least the money point. They forgot mentioning endorsements though.

Wheelchair Backflip – Another oldie, but the picture is worth the time travelling click – Aaron Fotheringham becoming the first person to perform a back flip in a wheelchair.

Arguing College Football {Flowchart} – Stickin’ with the old, considering this is our first Links post and we got some catching up to do.

Best Rookie Cards – Some really funny ones in here – Like Michael Jordan in White Sox uniform, or Deion Sanders.

Soccer on a Floating Island – And to leave you with a smile on your face, here’s a nice vid made by TMB bank in Thailand about a true story from 1986. This is for those who sometimes don’t realize just how big soccer is outside the Canada-USA borders.

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