Eugenie Bouchard Went as Kim Kardashian on Halloween

Eugenie Bouchard Went as Kim Kardashian on Halloween

Eugenie Bouchard isn’t the best Tennis player in the world (currently ranked 51, at her best was number 5), but in our opinion she is the most beautiful one. So obviously we paid special attention to her social media action on Halloween, in which she turned out to go as Kim Kardashian.

And not just a regular Kim Kardashian. She went as Kardashian posing in front of the mirror, with the censoring black stripes and all. Mocking her or celebrating her nakedness? Who cares.


Bouchard is a busy girl on Halloween. A few days before her Kardashian costume, she showed her Catwoman costume, which looked a lot better to be honest.


But the coolest thing for Bouchard was finding out that fans all over the world dressed up as her on Halloween. Turns out there’s a Eugenie Bouchard costume, or something resembling her.


You can follow Bouchard on her Instagram page, and if you really need her in your life constantly, why not get a Eugenie Bouchard poster on Amazon?

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