5 Random Links to Kick Start Your Weekend 2.0

Picking Your Baseball Team – If you didn’t notice, the 2011 MLB season just got started this week. This flowchart will help you pick a team to cheer for this season if you still don’t have one.

Cubs Fail – This one is a little old, but if we’re on the subject of baseball, this one sums up the Chicago Cubs since 1909.

Historic Match Ups – A top 10 list of some dream matchups the guys one Spike.com would love to see – like a Prime Sampras against a Prime Federer, 1996 Bulls vs 2001 Lakers… You get the drift.

Why Guys Play Sports – From trying to get laid on to people trying to prove they’re not gay, this piechart divides and explains the athlete types.

Super Hot Billiard Girl – And we’ll finish with some hot girls, or girl actually – probably the hottest female to hold a pool stick in recent memory.

Enjoy the weekend guys & gals.

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