Messi, Xavi or Ronaldo to be UEFA Best Player in Europe

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A new award, like we didn’t have enough. With the Ballon D’Or and FIFA Player of the year becoming one, UEFA have come out with their version, UEFA Best Player in Europe award, selected by journalists from all 53 UEFA members. Lionel Messi, Xavi Hernandez and Cristiano Ronaldo finished as the top 3 players on the ballots this season. Who’s first? We’ll know in August, during the Champions League Group Stage draw.

Lionel Messi, Barcelona

Don’t let the Argentina failure at the Copa America fool you, this is the best player in the world. It also helps to be on the best team in the world, but still – 53 Goals and 24 assists in 55 matches in all competitions. A third consecutive La Liga title and a second Champions League title in three years. He also led UEFA Champions League in goals this year, adding one in the final against Manchester United.

Xavi, Barcelona

Maybe the best reason to pick Xavi for UEFA player of the year is how Argentina preformed in the Copa America, adding yet another example of how good the pieces around Messi at Barcelona are. And especially Xavi, part of the two headed monster in the midfield. At 31, he continues to be nearly flawless with his decision making and passing. The stats, 3 goals and 7 assists in 31 league matches, hardly show the full picture of his brilliance.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid

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Ronaldo had to settle for only one, minor trophy with Real Madrid, but it was a start. Individually, he couldn’t have done anymore. Leading the Spanish league in scoring (40 goals in 34 matches, a new record) and overall 53 goals in 55 matches, continuing his incredible average of nearly a goal per game since joining the Spanish giants.

The Rest of the Top 10 –ย 

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Andres Iniesta, Barcelona

A brilliant year for the man who brought the World Cup, for the first time, to the Spaniards. Scored 8 league goals, a personal best for him, in 2010-2011.

Falcao, Porto

The Colombian international couldn’t stop scoring in 2010-2011 as well, netting 16 league goals for theย Portugueseย champions and setting a new Europa League record with 17 goals in 14 matches.

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Wayne Rooney, Manchester United

Had a very bad start to this season, but eventually, looking back at another league title won, it was a pretty good year for Wayne Rooney – 16 goals in all competitions and showing once again what a versatile player he is.

Nemanja Vidic, Manchester United

The year Vidic stepped out of Rio Ferdinand’s shadow and led the Manchester United defense while also proving he is probably the best defender in the world today.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, AC Milan

Had a brilliant start but faded during the second half of the season. It was still enough to lead AC Milan to their first Serie A title since 2004. He finished the year with 21 goals and 12 assists in allย competitions.

Gerard Pique, Barcelona

Barcelona have such an incredible attack, you sometimes forget how good their defense is. They aren’t troubled too often, but Pique continues to show he is one of the best centre backs in Europe.

Manuel Neuer, Bayern Munich

Don’t let the protests of Bayern fans since his arrival from Schalke fool you about his ability. Neuer had anย incredibleย season, following his fantastic world cup, with the best of it coming in that Champions League match against Manchester United, singleย handilyย holding off the enemy at the gate with someย incredibleย saves.

41 responses to “Messi, Xavi or Ronaldo to be UEFA Best Player in Europe”

  1. The first sentence under Messi’s paragraph sounds insane, if anyone still truely believes him to be the best player in the world or ever though he was shame on you. Messi is a great player but he is not anywhere near the level of Cristiano Ronaldo, never has been nor will he ever be. Dismiss the last two years of awards, all they indicate is a popularity / publicity stunt with FIFA, probably in hope of sparking controversey (which FIFA loves so much for futbol) between Ronaldo and Messi, i think its been working. Both are amazing players, but when you overlook the “TEAM’s” success and distinct difference in player personalities (one being egotisticle one claiming to be humble… CLAIMING*) reality eventually sets in and when you observe the entire picture you realize there really are no comparisons to be made, there never were. Ronaldo is Michael Jordan, Messi is Pippen on his best day!

  2. Ps the reasons mentioned in defence of Both Messi and Xavi winning this award which FIFA is going to give to Messi anyways (not because he deserves it but because he is there poster boy)contradict themselves. This award and any individual player award offensivily belongs to Ronaldo… period!

  3. This award is for individual achievement and CR7 did the most individually so therefore he should be given this award.

  4. It should be given 2 messi,bco he is best player ever,either 4 individual achievement or team achievement

  5. Wow Mike…it looks like you have a huge man crush on your boy Ronaldo. It will be hard to explain to someone so blind by this obsession, but you don’t have to listen to my opinion. You should at least listen to the other players around the world who claim Messi is undoubtedly the best player in the world at this moment and for the past 3 years. Players like Rooney, Suarez, Xavi (his teammate who is also nominated, by the way) and Nasri to name a few. What about when Manchester United was beaten in the finals of the champions league and Sir Alex Ferguson (who has been in the football business FOREVER) claimed how he had never played against a better side and a better player than messi. What about arguably the 3 best players of all time, Pele, Maradona, and Cryuff? Would you trust what they have to say? All three of them have said in the past year alone that Messi is the best in the world at the moment. If that’s not good enough what about this…Ronaldo HIMSELF said in an interview not even 3 months ago the Messi was the best player at the moment. So if you won’t take my word for it, maybe you will take the word of the professionals, or from your boyfriend himself.

  6. If messi played for the current real madrid(without ronaldo) team would he have scored 53 goals like ronaldo did? how many goals would ronaldo have scored if was playing for the current barca side(without messi) . food for thought .

  7. Ronaldo will win for sure.ronaldo is the best player ever..@tom cryoff said in an interview on 02 april 2008 that Ronaldo is better than george best and denis law…….is messi better than both these legends?????and what sir alex said about ronaldo and messi??????????Ronaldo is best and will remain best you ronaldo

    • @Mike Don’t you think the fact Ferguson has coached Ronaldo makes him a tad biased? He hasn’t been beaten by Ronaldo twice in the Champions League final as well, and still hasn’t developed any grudge…

  8. Messi plays for the best team in the world… THATS IT! Ask Argentina who they think is better i can assure you it wont be Messi. Ronaldo has proven countless times why is the best player in the world playing for multiple clubs, overcoming two serious injuries and only getting better and better. Take Messi out of Barca’s lineup and the most you could get out of him is free kicks missed by over 20 yrds and one assist per game if he plays with a worldclass striker like Hunguin, Tevez and Aguero. Again this is an idividual award… give it to the better individual…not team!

  9. I believe that Xavi deserve to win the Best player in Europe,because without Xavi messi wont be scoring over 50goals. But dont get me wrong, messi plays fantastic as well. Xavi is a play maker and hes good with his club and with his international team as well. Ronaldo is a great player as well, scoring more goals than messi in la liga, but Ronaldo had more shots than messi. Ronaldo doubles messi shooting attempts. Lets face the fact, hes a ball hogger.Im not trying to hate on him or anything, but he hogs the ball a lot. Ronaldo in international is about the same level as messi. Ronaldo doesnt score goals like he does with hes club in international. Overall those 3 players are great, but Xavi is going to win.

  10. Mike its people like you who are absolutely full of shit and speak but never think even after. Ok let’s say I agree with you that FIFA is full of shit. Yes they are. What about Marca? the most biased newspaper you would find in La Liga or in the world in favor of Real Madrid yet they awarded Messi best player of La Liga 2010/2011 season. Maybe it hasnt downed on ur thick head, but 53 goals + 24 assists and UCL & La Liga glory is better than 53 gaols + 12 assists and Copa Del Rey glory. And ur idiot ass keeps referring to Argentina, Messi has been awarded the best Argentinian award for last 3 years and he will win it again. FIFA ranked him top 10 performers of World Cup, where was Ronaldo? Messi has won the U20 World Cup and Olympic Gold for Argentina, what has Ronaldo won for Portugal? Nothing. Messi has more assists this year for Argentina than Xavi did for Barcelona are u saying Xavi sucks too? Because Messi plays a playmaker role for Argentina and he provides chances which flops like Higuain and Tevez screw up. Ronaldo doesnt assist for Portugal and he has not been the best player (key word NOT). And if awards were a popularity contest, Ronaldo would win, he is more popular than Messi in case ur retarded ass didnt know. And you fag Real Madrid fans know nothing of Barcelona thats why u talk. Barcelona this season only struggled when Messi or Puyol were absent from the line up. Look up every game Xavi or Iniesta missed they cruised like it was nothing so please use some facts instead of kissing Ronaldo’s nuts you wouldnt mention his 30 or so tap in’s from Ozil’s passes while ur at it. If u have watched Real play, which i doubt u have, Ozil has been more of a factor for Real Madrid than Iniesta for Barcelona this season. Ronaldo just benefited from all his creativity like Messi benefits from his team…Alves provided more assists for Messi than Xavi or Iniesta so please damn get ur facts straight. Messi will win the award, and the Ballon D’or. You will bitch and it wont change a thing. PS Copa America is not a UEFA competition but I bet u didnt know that either.

  11. Messi is the world best.
    You got a bit blind to not admit it. They were literly giving goals to CR7 so that he could beat that record. I wouldn’t be surprised if even Mourinho asked everyone to pass the ball to cr7 so he could score.

    And for the copa America, Messi was actually good but the others were full of shit.

    I hate spanish football and I hate barcelona but no one is even close to Messi. We should feel lucky to actually see him play because in a couple of years he will probably considered as the greastest of all time.

    And tbh, I think Rooney is better than ronaldo.

  12. Wow its amazing how people attack messi so bad,Are you serious?why da hell does Ronaldo deserve it more than messi?just tell me why?They both scored 53 in 55MATCHES,messi got DOUBLE THE ASSISTS OF Ronaldo!!!and u guys talking like Ronaldo plays for a relegated soccer team,however u wanna look at it,REAL GOT MORE TALENTED PLayers than barca!!!Messi beats ronaldo whenever they play,Messi Outperforms Ronaldo whenever they play,RONALDO dissapears in big games!u can’t backup ur argument u keep mentioning COPA AMERICA?well tell me what the hell did RONALDO DO FOR portugal???he started playing for national team since 2003,he got 80CAPS and he scored 26 goals total!!!Messi started playing since 2005 he got 60 caps and he scored 17 goals?DO U SEE A BIG DIFFERENCE?i dont think so…dont talk bs when u cant backup ur words,its something to hate on a player,Messi WON LA LIGA,Messi won Champions league,messi scored 12goals in champions league+tied most assits in la liga with ozil! & ronaldos 4 hat tricks came when the season was already over,everyone was feeding him on everyyyyyyyyyyyyy play,STAT PADDING!!!from penatly to everything,it doesnt take a genius to see that…tell me vs REAL MADRID who was the player who destroyed REAL?again messiiiiiiii!!!so stfu and respect greatness haters!!!

  13. Portugal plays very defensively, with ronaldo alone up front – hence only 26 goals. Messi should play wayyy better for Argentina, considering a third of the world’s top strikers (tevez, ageuro, higiuan) are beneficiaries of his “best in world” passing.. The reality is, messi is so good individually because he is so quick and agile, something that gets lost with age (his passing and finishing are great too). So to even consider him to be one of the best players ever is somewhat retarded. He’s just a knee surgery away from losing that edge. This should apply to any player under 30 years or so. That being said, Ronaldo is able to do more than Messi. Better shot, better in the air (that’s a given), free kicks, faster (albeit not as agile), also a great passer. All the support I’ve heard on here for Messi ultimately dwindles down to his club’s success. Furthermore, for everyone who thinks Barcelona play a “beautiful” brand of soccer do not realize that what they are doing is choking the game with little passes that result in littler action. When they are killing teams 5-0 its all fine and dandy but when the games are close, they get very boring and predictable. Case in point: Spain at the World Cup squeezed the life out of every game in order to win 1-0. Robben should have finished them, but for some reason puyol doesnt get a red for a leg swipe from behind on a breakaway chance… Spain isn’t really thatt good.

  14. ronaldo lovers . tell me what ronaldo has done for portugal, when u re talking about messi isnt performing for argentina,, just ans this and than i will agree ronaldo is better than messi,

  15. I think cristiano his beter then messi cos messi is nothing without xavi or iniesta u see at agentinia is messi so dead he can’t evan score a goal

  16. u kunts wanna know wat ronaldo has done 4 portugals national team.he took them 2 d euro cup final in 2004,he took portugal 2 d thirdplace of d 2006 world cup.u ass shitts

  17. @Me, Do you have eyes? please tell me you dont so i can at least feel some sort of pity for you instead of laughing at how much of a ra tard you must be because the shit thats coming out of your mouth is all in favor of Messi. Im done with arguing a non existent comparison. People dont compare Honda to Ferrari so you should’nt compare Messi to Ronaldo. Watch both players play and with your best possible vision infront you try and tell me that Messi is half as skilled as Ronaldo please just try telling me that, try explaining why Ronaldo is the center for every offensive play and set piece for both Madrid and Portugal and why is Messi isnt? tell me please i want a legit answer.

  18. Let us all stop ranting and using abusive words, Ronaldo and Messi are both good and great player they both have their weaknesses,both should be compared based on diff perspectives,pls my dear football fans both are good and it is hard to pick.

  19. Cr7 is way better than messi,if you honestly reason this with me,you will find out that the only aspect of football that messi is better than Ronaldo in is dribbling,but any other thing apart from that is a lie, messi has never been better than Ronaldo and will neva be,get it? Now lets go back to fifa world cup 2006,semi-final vs france…I would say ronaldo performed better than Zidane,Henry,Ribery and even Figo… Quarter-finals vs netherlands…he mesmerized the hollish defence unti he was wickedly fouled and stretchered out of the match,when all this happened where was messi…now 2010…messi vs Germany…people say where was ronaldo when real was thrashed 5-0,now I return the question back 2 you “where was messi when Germany embarassed them 4-0 in a world cup match?….am still waiting for my answers…nw they say ronaldo does not perform in big matches who was the 1 who kept spain on their feet in the 2010 world cup…go back and watch it one more time…messi has to leave barca to prove to me that he is better than ronaldo…honestly,there’s nothing intresting in giving him a thirld ballon d’or title in the same freakin club…

  20. […] Latest Uefa News Tuesday, August 9th, 2011 at 4:48 am   Messi, Xavi or Ronaldo to be UEFA Best Player in Europe With the Ballon D'Or and FIFA Player of the year becoming one, UEFA have come out with their version, UEFA Best Player in Europe award, selected by journalists from all 53 UEFA members. Lionel Messi, Xavi Hernandez and Cristiano Ronaldo finished as the … Read more on Sportige […]

  21. ce cr7 ki merite cette annee il a montre mainsi sont equpe a renporte qu’un seul titre lui a montre qu’il est capable de faire sont mieux marque 53 but

  22. Messi so deserves this, did you guys see what he did to Madrid this super cup? and on the Champions? and where was Ronaldo?

    Best player in the world and by a distance ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. @Raed messi only got lucky with the goals he scored. For instance where was he in the 1st leg of the Super cup, he was literally non-existence. He can’t play well without xavi or iniesta and in this case he only had iniesta which shows he needs both on the team in order to shine. Ronaldo on the other hand was everywhere and he had so many opportunities to score more than messi who practically got a lucky shot so that proves that messi can’t really do much without xavi and iniesta together. And to all the Barcelona fans don’t just discredit Ronaldo and say his not talented just admit his very talented the same way you voice your opinion about his arrogance!

  24. Ronaldo is way better then messi.ok he has alot for barsa becuz of xavi n ineasta n wat hav he done for his country nothin becuz there were no xavi or messi. Ronaldo won the copa del ray ronaldo deserves the award

  25. as a professional football player I say that Ronaldo is the best player in the whole world. No comments! That’s all I wanted to say!

  26. You guys all the people who like ronaldo. listen to this. Messi got 39 votes. Xavi got 11 votes and ronaldo got 3.

    Even xavi got more votes than ronaldo

  27. Messi wins by a mile he is the true definition of a footballer he will perform for argentina he’s too good not too, long live the legend and true king

  28. Cr7 is a complete player so frm my opinion he is beta than messi. Player ratin is nt by cup u wan it shd b base on individual paformance bsides fifa are nt sinca cos we al knw dat in wad cup year we gv response to world cup ratin why d hel of fifa gvin d award to mesi in 2010 wen sneidjer is beta both in wad cup nd in champion lg bt a wil lk to say dat fifa are nt sinsa nd they cos al dis rubish.

  29. A player never makes a team, nobody ever brings Portugal into this argument however, just Argentina? What have Portugal had to offer the internatiol area of football with Ronaldo, last time i checked, there weren’t any.
    Ossie Ardiles (Argentinian star that played within the same TEAM as Maradona for those who didnt know), has said that the team that Maradona played in was filled with great players, compare this to the Argentina and one of the so called powerhouses of international football, their team isn’t THAT great, especially in midfield. So in both instances for internationals, no PLAYER can make a team that good, as Ossie said about Maradona, and also went on to saying Messi is better than Maradona (Remember this is coming from a man who has played alongside him in the same team).
    People can say all they like about Ronaldo, yes he is a step above every other player in the world, apart from Messi. Ronaldo scored how many goals after la liga had already ended with Barca numerous points ahead? Out of the 2 that were in place for the golden boot it was Ronaldo that NEEDED it more, so he can supply his ego. People forget how many assists Messi actually provides in a season,
    BEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD, no doubt about it, and the award will show it, I am surprised Iniesta is not in this list aswell however, quality player.

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