Teeing Off the 2012 Ryder Cup From Trump Tower

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The first shot of the 2012 Ryder Cup (that will take place September 28-30, 2012) wasn’t taken at the Medinah Country Club at Medinah, Illinois, but off the Trump Tower in Downton Chicago, trying to hit the 35 by 75 foot floating green barge way below in the Chicago River.

The European captain, Jose Maria Olazabal, teed off against the American, Davis Love III, but both men couldn’t stick to the green, with the balls rolling off into the water.

The hole was modeled after the 17th hole at Medinah, and both golfers got four attempt with different clubs at making a hole in one. The event was nearly cancelled due to the strong winds, which gave cause for alarm that one of the balls might swerve into a car or a pedestrian way down below.

The whole thing was for charity, with the PGA and Ryder Cup foundation offering to double their initial $100k donation if any of the two make the hole in one.

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