The Incredible Team Hoyt

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I don’t know how I never heard about Dick Hoyt and the whole Team Hoyt. I literally teared up while reading their story, which is Sport, and a whole lot much more. Hero? Role Model? Best Dad ever? I never met the man or his son, and I’m just getting to know their cause, but if you’re ever seeking for inspiration, this is where you should be looking.

So what is Team Hoyt? The official website tells the story better than I do, but still, I’ll give it a shot. Rick Hoyt was born to Judy and Dick Hoyt back in 1962, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at birth. Instead of institutionalizing him, they treated Rick like any other child, and eventually, after fitting him with a computer that enabled him to communicate and clearly exhibit how intelligent he is, Rick began attending Public School, later on graduating from Boston University.

Dick Hoyt, at the age of 37, read an article in a magazine about racing. From there, team Hoyt began competing in races, marathons and later triathlons. Dick pushes Rick in a wheelchair for the running part, swims with Rick sitting in a special boat during the swim portions and they ride together on a specially designed bike for the cycling portion.

As of September 2011, they have participated in nearly 1100 events, including over 240 Triathlons and 69 Marathons. Dad of the Century, I read somewhere. Maybe. Maybe these titles don’t really matter. Just a man, who’s out there running, swimming, cycling for himself, his family and his son, who doctors told him to give up on. It’s a cliche, but he is, bit by bit, making this world a better place.

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