Painting Yao Ming With a Basketball

Yao Ming, for a almost an entire decade, was the most popular basketball player in the world. How do you measure popularity? All-Star voting is quite a good measuring stick. Being Chinese helped him get ahead in the global voting, placing him first in the NBA almost each season. Jeremy Lin will also enjoy that same ‘advantage’ come next season.

Red Hong (red is a nickname) is a Malaysian born artist, who according to her facebook page and her website has been around quite a bit (travelling and living, not what you dirty scums are thinking). Luckily for sport fans who love the original player portrait here and there, Red decided to use her impressive talents on making one of Yao Ming.

How? Some red paint and a basketball. Although, according to her website, condition weren’t exactly easy to make this thing happen the first time, passion for art and the will to become a great artist persevered and we were blessed with this rather amusing and creative Red Yao Ming creation that has created quite a splash across the web in the past few months.

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