Carlos Tevez With the Classless ‘R.I.P Fergie’ Sign

Carlos Tevez might have meant it as a joke, but it’s pretty obvious that holding a sign saying ‘R.I.P Fergie’ isn’t going to be taken lightly by, well, most of the media, social media, fans and Alex Feguson himself.

I’m pretty sure Tevez doesn’t actually with Alex Ferguson dead, but we do know he’s had his differences with the Scottish manager, who pretty much showed him the way out from Manchester United. Tevez let it rip shortly after his departure to the blue side of the City in 2009. That year Ferguson also stated that ‘Man City wont win the league in my lifetime.’ Well, it’s been three years.

So maybe Tevez meant to take a jab at Ferguson after Manchester City won their first title since 1968, still in Ferguson’s lifetime, despite his deceleration. Tevez didn’t have a huge part to play for most of the season, branded a persona non grata by the manager. But things change, and Tevez came back to help the team find their way back to the top of the table, winding up with the championship.

The backlash against Tevez has already started, mostly via twitter and such. Even if he was just trying to be funny, he should have more sense than holding up a sign like that. Tevez hasn’t shown much class this season with his behavior, and despite being on the winning side of the title race, it didn’t help him suddenly gain some wits and common sense about things you shall and shan’t do.

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