Official London 2012 Olympics Anthem – ‘Survival’ by Muse

Like every big sporting event, the London 2012 Summer Olympics need an official tune. The choice? British rockers Muse, consisting of Matthew Bellamy, Christopher Wolstenholme and Dominic Howard, with the song ‘Survival’.

The song is exactly what you’d expect from a Muse song, maybe even corresponding with their earlier works, touching on the rock opera genre some like to attribute to the group. In fact, Muse usually mix quite a few things together, ranging from space rock, progressive rock with mixes of electronic music, probably headed towards a more listener friendly direction in recent years. Pop, as some might call it.

Well, this song certainly takes them back in a different direction, and isn’t exactly what you’d expect from an official tune for a huge event like the Olympics. But maybe there’s the thought of avant-garde and creativity within the organizers, wanting to add the song to an experience no one will forget. Whether you like the song or not, it’s definitely not easy to forget.

The opening ceremony for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London is exactly one month minus one day away from us, taking place on July 27, held at the Olympic Stadium. The ceremony is called ‘The isle of wonder’, artistically directed by Oscar winning director, Danny Boyle. Underworld duo Rick Smith and Karl Hyde are in charge of the music, which might cast a tad of light on the song selected.

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