Michelle Jenneke – Hottest Hurdler & Pre-Race Dancer in Athletics

Australian Hurdler Michelle Jenneke didn’t cause headlines because she won her heat at the World Junior Championships in Barcelona, beating the other girls after 100 meters of hurdle jumping and sprinting. She got all the attention because of her smile and her sexy pre-race routine that’s becoming an Internet sensation.

Sometimes, the simplest things, with the right kind of touch, slow-motion and music become insane hits. Somehow, a 19-year old girl from Australia, who easily won her heat, thanks to (or not) her distracting dance just before the race. In all fairness, she was just better than the rest of the competition, but why not make it out to be more than it actually is?

Is this the rise of a female superstar in track? This video obviously pushes the spotlight on her sooner than it ever would, no matter what medals she wins in the Junior championships. Her ability and speed mixed in with her sexiness, cuteness and overall glee, which is always captivating to watch, might make her one of the most sought after female athletes in the 2016 Olympic games in Rio, if she keeps winning races.

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