Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo not Going Anywhere

If you had who you regarded as the best player in the world, in this case Cristiano Ronaldo, would you let him go at the first sign of his unhappiness? Probably not, and it doesn’t seem that the Real Madrid execs are in too much of a worry despite the mega star’s mysterious comments about being sad and unhappy at the club.

Smokes and mirrors. Never believe anyone in show business when it comes to vague declarations about personal affairs and don’t be fooled, this is a version of show business.

Ronaldo releases a mysterious statement about being sad at the club, not explaining why, just saying “they know about the situation” and moves on to train with Portugal for the world cup qualifiers, meanwhile creating a huge stir of rumors and speculation. The easiest explanation is usually the right one – Nothing but a ploy by his agent to get more money from the club. The most expensive player in the world earns £200,000 a week, making him only the 9th highest earner among footballers in terms of salary. Not enough for someone with this kind of ego, and these kind of talents.

After everyone gets over the fact that Ronaldo seems like a player that actually might be leaving Real Madrid in his prime for some great injustice bestowed upon him by his cruel bosses or even crueler teammates, the money issue takes over, which sounds about right. We’ve already mentioned the term Prima Donna in a previous post about him, so lets not get caught up in that again. He simply has a shrewd business man for an agent, and we’ll leave it at that.

Ronaldo doesn’t clear up the air. Instead of telling everyone what’s really on his mind, he gives some facebook and twitter statement telling everyone that it’s not about the money; one day it’ll all be cleared up and the great truth will see the light of day, proving what a righteous player and person he is, and his commitment to perform well for the club has not been hindered.

No one questioned Cristiano Ronaldo’s professionalism. Footballers, some more than others, need to feel loved, and some sort of validation from fans and teammates not just for being great players, but great people. Cristiano Ronaldo usually comes off as an arrogant star. Despite trying to show some sensitive side of his, a fragile part of him hurt by the behavior of people he trusted, he just comes off as a footballer who wants what everyone wants – more money.

Florentino Perez seemed unfazed by all the drama, simply saying “If he wanted to leave he’d have said so when the transfer window was still open. There are other reasons behind it.” Don’t be surprised if that reason is just trying to improve his contract while creating a transfer drama and maybe even trying to, unsuccessfully, change his image.

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