Peyton Manning – Can’t Wear 18 to Denver Schools

Wearing a Peyton Manning jersey to school in Denver, Colorado will just get you sent home, so maybe kids will now have an extra incentive to buy one after a third grader was sent home to change after arriving at the school wearing number 18, a banned number in the district due to its association with local gangs.

And it’s not just the number 18 – 13, 14, 31, 41 and 81 aren’t allowed in the district as well, connected with other gangs (13th and 14th street). The 18th street gang is notorious in the North Denver- Highland & Jefferson Park Neighborhoods. There’s also an 18th street gang of Californian origin in Denver, mostly known in East Denver- East Colfax Avenue corridor.

The only other player on the Denver Bronco’s roster to “suffer” from this ban is tight end Joel Dreessen, also making his debut for the team this season, wearing the 81 jersey. Dreessen doesn’t really mind, saying the ban doesn’t bother him if it prevents trouble. Wide receiver Tyler Grisham wears the number 13, but he’s on the reserve list and unlikely to have anyone purchasing his jersey.

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