Liverpool FC – Aftermath of the Hillsborough Report

For now, shock at how the rabbit hole goes. I mean, people knew there was some sort of cover up, but not at this magnitude. A cover up by the police and the emergency forces, simply sacrificing 96 Liverpool fans in name and memory, which is made worse by the fact that the report suggests 41 people might have been saved if not for the insane level of wrongdoing.

For now? Apologies, from every possible corner. David Cameron, the Prime Minister, already spoke in length about the report. Next up were the Sun, who have actually made more than one apology to the families and the community at Merseyside about delivering false accusation at those who died that day, and were in a way, part of the cover up that took 23 years to fully unveil.

South Yorkshire chief constable David Crompton promised to bring those who doctored the evidence and tampered with the statement will be brought to justice and be punished.

And there was what the club itself released after the panel spoke to the press – Over the last 23 years the families who lost loved ones and the survivors of this terrible tragedy have shown immense dignity and resilience in their tireless campaign for justice. Liverpool Football Club commends the Hillsborough Independent Panel report which acknowledges the avoidable catastrophic failures before, during and after the disaster.

The club also welcomes the Prime Minister’s apology to the families and survivors on behalf of the Government and await the Attorney General’s pending review of the report. After 23 long and painful years, our fans have finally been fully exonerated of all blame. The world knows what we have always known, that Liverpool fans were not just innocent on that terrible day but that there was reprehensible and hurtful misrepresentation of the truth.

The notion of the 96 being sacrificed so English football, and especially the stadium atmosphere and safety could be improved and brought to the place it is today has been discussed in the past. The Premier League is the richest football league in the world, and going to a match these days seems worlds away from the experience back in the late 1980’s.

All deaths are needless, and maybe even more when you think that the people who died went to a sporting event. The thought that 41 of them had a chance of being saved, of getting better care and not glanced over and forgotten like some trash on the ground by the police and emergency services at the place makes one shudder and shake in disbelief at the cruelty in men and women sometimes. Justice isn’t just exposing the truth, which seems to have been done as much as possible in this case. Justice is also punishing those who should be punished, as painful as it might be digging even deeper into the wounds of the past and this filthy Pandora’s box.

People apologizing and crying out for justice and truth and punishment, carrying, directly or indirectly, the wrath of the victims’ families is only the beginning. Eventually it won’t be just about documents, but about people talking about that day and what their roll was in the disgraceful cover up. It won’t get any easier coping with the disaster then as well.

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