Arsenal Not Good Enough For Lionel Messi

Arsenal Not Good Enough For Lionel Messi

By speaking about Arsenal fans and their desire to see world class players being signed, Arsene Wenger reminded everyone that Lionel Messi, and other players, will never come to his team.

Sad to say, but Arsenal are much more of a feeder club in the past few years to the stronger and richer teams in Europe. Cesc Fabregas, Robin van Persie, Emanuel Adebayor, Alex Song, Gael Clichy, Samir Nasri, Patrick Vieira and Thierry Henry are excellent examples. Some of them have made Arsenal a lot of money over the years, but they’ve never really been replaced by adequate quality as the decline of Arsenal from it’s last title in 2004 continues.

People want to see Lionel Messi. They don’t want to see a promising guy. First of all the name gives hope. When a guy has no name people are already skeptical, so it’s much more difficult for us.

After such a long period of time without titles, it’s pretty fair to say that Arsene Wenger’s method of breeding talent might be helpful for the individuals and the team’s bank account, but not for the fans, who expect a club with the pedigree of Arsenal to be battling for titles on most seasons, not setteling for third or fourth place, conceding their place in the title race long before anything is ever decided.

Lionel Messi? Maybe when he’s old and gray. Wenger spent money this summer on OK, possibly good players. Nothing more. Not stars. Not even wonder-kids with some bright futures. Lukas Podolski, Santi Cazorla, Olivier Giroud. Not the kind of names that change the fortune and the direction of a club. Wenger has been preaching about developing, and talented youth, and patience, for six-seven years. Arsenal fans are simply tired of waiting and hearing excuses.

It’s better to simply tell the truth, and handle the consequences – Lionel Messi and far less talented players will never step on the Emirates grass in an Arsenal shirt as long as their in their prime. It has to do with their price, and it has to do with the ambition, or lack of it, Arsenal transmit to Europe in the world. Here you come to improve, not to win titles.

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