Transfer Rumors 2013 – Fernando Torres Will Leave Chelsea to Atletico Madrid

Transfer Rumors 2013 – Fernando Torres Will Leave Chelsea to Atletico Madrid

All the changes and moves Chelsea are making and planning at the moment point towards one thing – Fernando Torres might not have a future with the club, and maybe a return to Atletico Madrid is what the cards hold for the Spanish striker.

Yes, after giving up on him and then giving him another chance, the latest acquisition of Demba Ba and the rumored search for more strikers in the transfer window, it looks like Chelsea are willing to move on from their £50 million mistake, that has so far produced only 14 goals in 67 league matches, 7 of them this season.

Atletico Madrid, the club Torres grew up in and played for until 2007, when he made the intially successful move to the Premier League, might be quite happy to get the former beloved son. The details haven’t been worked out yet, but there are two options on the table at the moment.

One is for Torres to leave on loan in the next few weeks or maybe even sooner, if Chelsea get another striker into their squad and not be left in the same situation they’ve been in all season. The other option is Atletico Madrid getting Torres for a serious discount once the summer arrives, when he’ll already be 29 and the availability of top striker for Chelsea to pursue will make his redundant.

Don’t forget Falcao. Chelsea are one of the pack that’s been chasing the Colombian striker, and although we won’t see any changes in his situation in January, July and August are going to be all about teams trying to sign him from Atletico Madrid. Maybe some deal involving cash + Torres can give Chelsea the edge in the race for the man most consider at the moment as the best striker in the world.

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