Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester City Join Arsenal in David Villa Race

Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester City Join Arsenal in David Villa Race

It’s been a lot of mixed messages from Arsenal in this transfer window regarding the chances of signing a player. David Villa of Barcelona seemed like the closest option for anything to happen, but now, he might still leave his club, just to another Premier League team, Manchester City.

After selling Mario Balotelli, City are quick to react. Unlike Arsene Wenger, who mostly likes to talk, City usually make moves late in transfer windows, and if Roberto Mancini (who sees the title slipping away from him again after a 0-0 draw at QPR) wants a fourth striker, it looks like the men in charge of spending money are going to bring one for him.

Villa did play in Barcelona’s 5-1 win against Osasuna, also setting up one of Lionel Messi’s four goals. Barca have claimed more than once that Villa, or any other player, is not for sale during the January transfer window, but that hasn’t stopped Arsenal from approaching Villa with an £8 million offer, which was rejected.

Now that City have entered the race for the striker, expect prices to rise a little bit, maybe more than what Arsenal are willing to spend on a player who recently turned 31 and hasn’t played much this season, scoring 5 goals in 13 matches.

Despite the interest from Manchester City, the most likely option seems to be Villa staying in Barcelona, at least until the summer. Arsenal keep talking about finding a quality player, but £8 million, someone should tell Arsene Wenger, do not buy you a quality striker these days, unless it’s someone no one has heard about and you’re the first to jump on the opportunity. Arsenal look to end the transfer window without any changes as well, although don’t be surprised if City do add another player before the end of the transfer window. Maybe not Villa, but someone else will definitely arrive.

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