Dwyane Wade has a Doppelgänger Working in a Grocery Store

Dwyane Wade has a Doppelgänger Working in a Grocery Store

Do we all have Doppelgängers? Not sure, but it seems Dwyane Wade has one – Keith B (that’s what the tag says), who works at a grocery store somewhere in the United States.

The picture was circulated in the past, but with the success of the Chris – Cliff Paul commercials recently, Keith B is worth mentioning as someone who just might be a twin brother to Wade, unknowingly separated from him at birth, just choosing a more relaxed lifestyle than being an NBA star.

Wade, 31, is playing in his 10th NBA season. He’s a two time NBA champion and the 2009 NBA scoring champion. Injuries have hurt his numbers this season and generally his banged up body is showing its age and mileage, but he’s still one of the best offensive players in the NBA, averaging 21.5 points per game this season.

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