Los Angeles Clippers – At Their Best When DeAndre Jordan Busy Dunking

Los Angeles Clippers – At Their Best When DeAndre Jordan Busy Dunking

After the game, and probably during it, all the people talked about was the dunk DeAndre Jordan pulled off, simply crushing poor Brandon Knight on his way to the basket. It was better than anything Chris Paul or Blake Griffin did during the game, and they both had a lot of highlights to put up.

It was just one of those night, when a team that breaks very quickly, like the Detroit Pistons, simply rolls the red carpet and lets the Los Angeles Clippers add five, six big plays to their impressive seasonal dunking catalog, given them, rightfully, the nickname Lob City.

There was more to Jordan than just his vicious alley oop on Brandon Knight; the Center, who is having his problems with Vinny Del Negro this season and especially in the second half of it because of his effort, or lack of it on defense, hit his first ever jumper. Maybe it’s just a nuance, maybe it’s actually Jordan becoming a more complete player, as he showed he’s on his way of becoming earlier this season. He finished with 13 points and 7 rebounds.

That was the best dunk of the year and the best I’ve seen in person. Usually I get that dunk and nobody is right there. This is the first time somebody tried to block it. That was the fastest I’ve ever seen Caron (Butler) run to give me a chest bump, so it must have been good, and Ronny (Turiaf) was dancing.

While a lot of the Clippers’ big wins (and this was one of their biggest, beating the Pistons 129-97) are usually about Chris Paul hardly getting any second half minutes while Jamal Crawford and Eric Bledsoe have more time to improve their stats, it was Blake Griffin who got most of the rest in this one, playing only 21 minutes and still outscoring everyone with 21 points and quite a few dunks for his scrap book, enjoying the ease in which the Clippers turned turnovers into points, scoring 22 on the fast break, resulting in a 62.5% from the field.

We got to keep building. The last 10 games is when you really start jockeying for position. Obviously, you want home court as much as possible. For us the bigger thing is making sure we’re playing the right way. We’ve been trying to pick our energy level up. That’s what we did from jump ball. At times, people have a tendency to be cool and try to relax and that doesn’t really work for us. We should be able to play better, it doesn’t matter what our position is in the standings or if we’re playing a good or bad team.

If there’s one thing you have to love about the Clippers that goes beyond the show time it’s their attitude and seriousness towards their playoff chances. They know this team has a chance of going further than any other Clippers team has, and it won’t be getting there just by admiring alley oop dunks. It’s going to take a fresh and rested Blake Griffin, a bench that’s better than the rest of the league at its finest moments, and Chris Paul playing the best basketball of his career.

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