Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester United Want Alex Sandro & Leighton Baines

Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester United Want Alex Sandro & Leighton Baines

There are going to be quite a few changes with Manchester United this summer, as a lot of veterans and old players will make way for a younger and probably better import, as the left back position, occupied by Patrice Evra for quite some time, will probably be given to either Leighton Baines from Everton or Alex Sandro from Porto.

There is the option that Alex Buttner, purchased this recent summer, becomes the heir of Evra, who’s wanted in France by PSG but prefers to stay with Alex Ferguson and Manchester United if he’s still wanted there by the end of this season. While Evra has shows he has a scoring touch in this campaign, his defensive mistakes and frailties have been increasing, and it’s hard to see him being a top-class left back that United need if they are to compete for the titles Ferguson thinks they should be.

Leighton Baines has been on their watchlist for quite some time. While there was some sort of argument for the last couple of seasons if he’s overtaken the traditional selection at “best left back” in the Premier League, Ashley Cole and Evra, no one really thinks there’s any question at the moment – Baines is the best in England at the position. While he’s not the 100% stopper they both were at their best, he more than makes up for it with offensive ability, being a much more competent crosser and set piece taker when necessary.

While signing English players is always too damn expensive, Alex Sandro from Porto, Ferguson’s second option on the left, a more classic Brazilian wing back on the left side, isn’t going to come cheaply either. Porto don’t sell cheaply, anyone, to anyone, not to mention Sandro cost them €9.6 million from Deportivo Maldonado, which was a proxy club to hold the registration rights for Santos.

United are hoping that their unwanted Portuguese players, Nani and/or Anderson might be used in a swap + cash deal with Porto to lower the costs for Sandro, if they don’t manage to get Baines away from Everton.

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