Transfer Rumors 2013 – Arsenal & Liverpool Chasing After Ashley Williams

Transfer Rumors 2013 – Arsenal & Liverpool Chasing After Ashley Williams

Ashley Williams

While Ashley Williams hardly presents anything special with his rugged defensive style, there are plenty of impressive suitors for the Swansea vice captain, with both Liverpool and especially Arsenal, each with their own set of problems with their back four, looking like the most interested of parties when it comes to the services of the Welsh international.

Arsenal have already approached Swansea regarding the services of Williams, whose value skyrocketed over the last couple of seasons, continuing the ascent he has made with the club through the divisions. He was valued at around £2.5-3 million after Swansea were promoted to the Premier League. In January Arsenal tried to sign him for £9 million but were rejected.

So how much will it cost to convince Swansea to part ways with the 28 year old who began his career with Stockport County, playing League one and two football before moving on to bigger and better? According to rumors around the club, the growing interest in him will eventually lead to his sale. Swansea have made some nice earnings by giving away Joe Allen and Scott Sinclair, while spending the money quite wisely on their replacements, Michu being the first name to come up.

It is believed that an offer of around £12 million should suffice to draw the centre back away from Southwest Wales, which sounds like something Arsenal won’t be willing to spend for such a player, and Liverpool simply can’t afford unless they manage to offload Andy Carroll to some poor sucker of a team, which seems even more unlikely now after a terrible season with West Ham.

While Williams provides toughness and leadership to any defensive line he joins, it’s not hard to think of better ways to spend that kind of money, especially on a player who isn’t exactly a youngster waiting to develop.

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