Tim Tebow Has Someone Fighting His Lost Battles

Tim Tebow Has Someone Fighting His Lost Battles

Tim Tebow

What’s keeping Tim Tebow from becoming a successful NFL quarterback? While his biggest fans would say he has already proven he is one, by taking the Denver Broncos to the postseason when given the chance to start for consecutive games, he hasn’t done much to warrant the same appreciation from New York Jets fans or management, still pondering if to release him or not.

Tebow himself doesn’t like to speak to the media, not in depth at least, about his NFL future. You might not like him for his opinions regarding certain matters, but he’s not giving up on his NFL dream, despite being deemed not good enough in almost every way possible to be an NFL quarterback.

They’ve talked about switching him positions to running back, full back, tight end and H-back, but no one asked Tebow what he wanted. Well? He likes being a quarterback, even if it means not in the most traditional sense. He knows he has problems with his throwing motion, eye-painful at times to watch. He’s working at that too. Now, maybe on his own accord, or possibly with Tebow pulling the strings, the man working with Tebow on becoming a better player and passer, is taking shots at the Jets and especially at Mark Sanchez.

Denver knew what they were doing when they sent Tebow to New York. You have a fragile-minded Mark Sanchez at quarterback. You stick Tim Tebow in there and you kill two birds with one stone. So if you’re Denver, you’ve got to be thinking, ‘We send him to New York, we basically kill an opponent and, at the same time, Tim Tebow doesn’t come back to bite us in the proverbial butt, if you will, because he’s not going to make it out of there.

Why not Jacksonville in the first place? You send him to Jacksonville, all of a sudden, he’s got that fanbase behind him and all of a sudden, he’s doing what he’s done all his life: That’s win games. That would put a lot of ill will toward your organization. There’s a lot of politics that go on with it. I think Timmy was just unfortunate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Last week, Jeff Garcia, working with Mark Sanchez, let it rip on Tebow. Now, Steve Clarkson, the man who claims he has fixed Tebow’s passing mechanics, is taking it out on the Jets and Sanchez, saying Tebow was simply put at the wrong spot by people who never wanted him to succeed in any case. And yes, Tebow’s throwing is all good now, according to him.

Tim Tebow Workout

The footwork is essentially what caused a lot of his looping motion. A lot of what was happening with his throwing motion and why it was elongated was because of the way he placed his feet at the end of his drop. Right before he’d make his throw, his hips would stop at mid-motion, and the ball would come off in funny places. So that was one thing that we really honed in on, was trying to tie his feet up.

We worked a lot on slowing the game down for him in terms of on the field, but also speeding up the game for him in terms of mechanics. Most of what people have talked about in his throwing motion were really based on his footwork. He sees the field extremely well. He anticipates where things are going to happen, but his relationship with his feet going to his arm didn’t mesh. He would look like he was throwing into coverage. He was throwing into the right spot, but he was just late because he couldn’t transfer his weight properly.

While no one is arguing with Clarkson about his analysis of Tebow’s abilities, there is something of a shadow cast on his qualms with the Denver Broncos. Yes, the Jags, in the past, were in the running to get Tebow via trade. But as Elway has said more than once – Tebow was given a choice to choose either Jacksonville or New York. He chose the Jets.

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