Previewing the Final Old Firm Derby of the Season

With seven matches left in the Scottish Premier League this season, Glasgow Rangers seem to be cruising on their way to a second straight league title and their 53rd overall, more than any other club in the world. Well if Rangers are first, it means Celtic are behind at second, with the two clubs occupying the top two spots in the SPL for 13 of the last 14 seasons. Rangers currently have an 7 points lead over Celtic and also a game in hand. With Sunday’s clash between the two at Ibrox looking like Celtic’s last opportunity at stopping Rangers from grabbing the title, we take a look at the two previous meeting that took place this season. This will be the 295th league meeting between the two sides, with Rangers leading Celtic 115-95 in wins, with 84 draws taking place as well.

Kenny Miller

Image: Source

October 4th, Ibrox – Rangers enjoy an early Kenny Miller double (13 goals this season and one of only three players post WWII to play for both clubs) as Aiden McGeady’s penalty wasn’t enough to stop Rangers from winning 2-1.

January 3rd, Celtic Park – The first Old Firm match of the new decade saw Rangers salvage a point as Celtic dominated the match from start to finish. Scott McDonald put Celtic ahead after 79 minutes, but it took Lee McCulloch only 2 minutes to equalize and grab a point for the teddy bears.

Scott McDonald

Image: Source

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