Crazy Transfer Rumors 2013 – Barcelona Trying to Sign Fernando Torres

Crazy Transfer Rumors 2013 – Barcelona Trying to Sign Fernando Torres

Some transfer rumors just don’t make sense, but they’re still worth discussing because of the sheer ridiculousness of them if they actually do happen, just like Barcelona, or any other big club for that matter, actually willing to sign Fernando Torres for quite a lot of money, thinking they can bring out the best of him again.

But the notion of someone who has failed over the last three seasons, scoring only 34 goals in 131 matches since becoming the most expensive player ever in the history of the Premier League, finding himself with an ambitious club like Barcelona all of a sudden in an unspecific role does make you scratch your head once or twice.

Fernando Torres & Son

According to Sport, Barcelona do not intend to base their attack on Torres, who’ll probably be relegated to a Super-Sub role, with Lionel Messi and Neymar not leaving too much room in the front line for another dominant player, although someone like Torres, who has always been confidence and pressure driven, might benefit from having his role defined from the beginning, and not having any sort of fear of losing his job if things don’t work out for him once again.

How much will it take to sign Torres? There are two fronts to consider here, because Chelsea would probably accept anything above £15 million for him, and if the market is really bad it might be even less. But his arrival at any destination has to depend on him being willing to take a massive salary cut, because no reasonable club that sees itself as one of the best in Europe is going to pay Torres the kind of money he’s been making at Chelsea, which is around £12-13 million a season.

Does Mourinho have any plans for Torres? Probably not, considering the names of the strikers, and the amount of them, he’s thinking of bringing in. Maybe a return to the La Liga would do Torres a world of good, and playing for a club that’s always been one of his favorites to score again will bring out of him the ability that got him signed by Liverpool in the first place.

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