New York Yankees – Alex Rodriguez Is Looking More Ridiculous By the Minute

New York Yankees – Alex Rodriguez Is Looking More Ridiculous By the Minute

Cashman, Rodriguez

In this day of age, twitter creates the news, and Alex Rodriguez, who is adding more haters to a very large camp, including some of those next to him on the New York Yankees, keeps taking shots from every possible direction, no matter what he does.

You expect from someone so deeply involved in yet another PED scandal that seems to have tainted every possible clean soil of Major League Baseball to keep some radio silence. The New York Yankees have been searching for quite a few months for the angle, clause or cause that will give them finally the chance to cut loose from a player that is still owed $86 million through the 2017 season, not to mention the $28 million he’s making this year.

Rodriguez said he’s excited about coming back, which caused Brian Cashman to say the very short yet meaningful – A-Rod should shut the f$#@ up!. Rodriguez simply said he was excited he’ll have a chance to play baseball again, as he hopes he’ll finally be on the horse again in order to try and break the home run record, although at 647 and batting a total of 34 over the last couple of years, that 762 looks very far away.

No one wants to see him break the record, and very few people still care about a record that used to be considered the greatest in American Sports. But then Barry Bonds shattered it, and its specialty won’t be the same again, unless a “clean” player somehow gets close to breaking it. The closest untouched-by-allegations player to it is Albert Pujols, who is 33 and declining fast, with 488 in his career.

The highest ranked “young” player at the moment is Miguel Cabrera (30), with 342 home runs, including 21 already this season.

The more time goes by, the less amazing Rodriguez’ career looks. More and more pieces from the past are unearthed, and it seems that more and more years with him posting amazing numbers, some of the greatest the game has ever seen, were touched by his PED usage. Baseball has been changed forever over the last few years, and its heads don’t really know what action to take in order to clean it once and for all, if that’s even possible.

What is clear, is that every moment Rodriguez remained associated with the sport and the Yankees doesn’t do them any good.

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