Iker Casillas Can’t Wait for a Non-Jose Mourinho Real Madrid

Iker Casillas Can’t Wait for a Non-Jose Mourinho Real Madrid


There might not be so much dirty laundry coming out of the Real Madrid dressing room about the Jose Mourinho era and especially the last season because everything seemed out in the open most of the time, and because Iker Casillas won’t trash his former manager, even if he really really wants to.

The reason for the two becoming enemies, which led to the demonetization of Mourinho in the Madrid press and later by the fans? Jose Mourinho only said that it was Iker Casillas not being in form, but everyone knew there was much more to it. Even the best goalkeepers have their ups & downs, but unless something drastic happens, a keeper of Casillas’ caliber doesn’t just get benched.

Some say it was Casillas setting up a meeting with Xavi to heal the Barcelona – Real Madrid friction in sake of the national team which sent Mourinho overboard. Mourinho’s way of beating Barcelona was also preaching for hate and commitment to that feeling all the way. Once he felt he had players like Casillas and Sergio Ramos not doing as they were ordered, he feared he’d be losing the dressing room and control of the pitch.

Casillas is in a happier place after a season in which he played only 19 matches for Real Madrid in La Liga, mostly because he was forced to watch from the bench. Casillas kept saying he respects the manager’s decision, but behind the scenes, talks of ultimatums regarding him, Ramos and Mourinho were mentioned.

With Spain, and with Mourinho and Chelsea, it seems like everyone is happy, and Casillas had an opportunity to open up a little bit about the where he’s at right now.

I saw some very difficult times, very difficult days this season. I cried, I suffered daily, and I barely slept at night.

I’m a Madridista in my soul, and that is above everything. Not me, not the president, not the players, not the fans and not the coach are bigger than the club. That’s how it works at Real Madrid, and whoever thinks or thought differently is mistaken.

With the new coach, I’m pretty sure we’ll have a great team. We always do. I’d love to retire here, this is where I grew up, this is my home. But like I said, I’m not greater than the club, and if a manager arrives who feels that he doesn’t want me around, I’ll have to accept his decision.

Nothing too direct, but it seems that it’s easy to identify the names involved. Jose Mourinho is looking very happy since his return to Chelsea, but the same is probably true for almost everyone involved with Real Madrid.

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