Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester United Now See AS Roma Trying to Sign Kevin Strootman

Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester United Now See AS Roma Trying to Sign Kevin Strootman

Kevin Strootman PSV

Not too long ago it seemed that nothing is going to stop Kevin Strootman from joining Manchester United, but for the past month no progress has been made between PSV and the Premier League champions, while AS Roma are the ones to have actually make an offer for the player.

According to, sources within the Dutch club have confirmed they’ve received a bid worth €17 million for their captain from the Italian side, but haven’t agreed or rejected the offer yet, hoping that the news of a team making an approach towards the player will get things moving with other clubs.

Strootman, 23, had a fantastic season for PSV, scoring six goals and adding 10 assists, looking a lot more impressive and dominant in the middle of the pitch on his second season in Eindhoven after joining from Utrecht (£4 million) in 2011.

Strootman himself has admitted there’s been plenty of tempting interest from quite a few clubs around Europe, especially after his performance for the Netherlands in the U-21 European Championship, reaching the semifinal with the Dutch side.

With 18 caps for the national team, Strootman doesn’t see himself as a prospect, but as borderline star player who shouldn’t be arriving at a big club to wait for his chance, but as someone who should be starting and playing no matter where he eventually lands.

United have made no approach for him recently because of the Thiago development, and if the move for the Spanish player eventually goes through, Strootman will find himself another club. According to Dutch sources, he’d be quite happy joining Roma, even without European football next season, happy to be playing for a bigger club, in a bigger league, for much better pay.

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