Liverpool FC Transfer Rumors – Luis Suarez Burning All the Bridges

Liverpool FC Transfer Rumors – Luis Suarez Burning All the Bridges

Two-Face Luis Suarez

Loyalty is gone, and there’s a very good chance that Luis Suarez will be gone from Liverpool very soon. His latest plea of letting him go has hit the public through interviews in the Guardian and the Telegraph, making it quite obvious he isn’t content with staying on for another season.

This is all war between agents and the club. Suarez is refusing to hand in an official transfer request, because it deprives him of certain financial benefits from the club. But there’s talk of legal action against the club for refusing to sell him after Arsenal made the £40 million + 1 bid that keeps the subject of the debated release clause open for interpretation.

What changed for Suarez from April to May? Hard to say. And things changed from May to June, and from June to July. He knew Liverpool weren’t going to be in the Champions League for a very long time, but maybe he didn’t have offers or a hint of an offer from Real Madrid, and later Arsenal. It’s worth reminding everyone that the Gunners are the only team to have actually made an official approach (twice) for the player.

Suarez, while he was in Brazil for the Confederations Cup, maintained that the reason for his exit plea is the English media, but Real Madrid made no offers, and so just playing in the Champions League was enough for him. When players change their minds so much it always has to do with his agents to a certain degree, and Pere Guardiola, a very busy and controversial figure this summer, has his negative influence on the matter.

How does this end? Liverpool might eventually concede that keeping an unhappy player isn’t their best option, even if they aren’t getting the money they’re looking for. Just like Tottenham seem to be conceding that you can’t keep a player on the team by force, the whole Suarez saga might be over very soon with the Uruguayan forgetting about all the help he got from the team when made himself the most hated man in British football, and successfully force his way out of the club.

Image by Nooruddean

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