Arsenal FC Transfer Rumors – Luis Suarez Is Still Their Only Option

Arsenal FC Transfer Rumors – Luis Suarez Is Still Their Only Option

Luis Suarez Liverpool

One of the least active summers in terms of additions for Arsenal, who seem to be very selective about their choices, and miss out on each and every one of them. So far, Liverpool haven’t been very helpful to the Gunners when it comes to Luis Suarez, but it seems their attempts to sign the striker aren’t over yet.

A lot of confusion in the media yesterday as early reports coming from Uruguay suggested that Suarez has spoken with someone, telling him that he has decided to stay at Liverpool, mostly because of the fans. Later in the day, as Uruguay were playing against Japan, Suarez admitted that he did not say those things to anyone, and hasn’t declared that he has given up his wish to play somewhere else.

At this point, it’s hanging at straws for Arsenal, who have really approached only two players this summer – Suarez and Luiz Gustavo, with the Brazilian remaining in Germany, moving to Wolfsburg, while Liverpool have rejected two offers for Suarez, including one worth a pound more than £40 million.

From here it’s about hunches for Arsenal, and if they feel that Liverpool were serious when they mentioned that a £50 million transfer is going to be the sum it takes for Luis Suarez to be sold, there’s a good chance they’re going to actually come up with that money, which goes against everything we’ve known about Arsene Wenger for a very long time, in an attempt to actually make one significant move in the transfer market this summer.

According to the Telegraph, Arsenal are now contemplating making an offer that overall will be worth £49 million for the player. Why not 50? Hard to tell, but maybe they want to show they’re not giving in to Liverpool’s demands and yet still willing to spend a sum that’s going to be hard to ignore, but there’s a chance that some economical calculations are also a big part of these numbers.

Suarez probably still wants out, as long as he feels there’s a chance an offer is coming for him. For now, Liverpool have no intention of selling him, but a third and upgraded bid, due to the worsening relationship between Rodgers and Suarez, might upset the current order of things.

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